The University Record, June 7 , 1999 By Rebecca A. Doyle

“It has been a great experience for us,” said Dearborn Chancellor James C. Renick after the Regents passed a resolution commending him for his leadership at Dearborn since 1993. Renick leaves the
U-M July 15 to become chancellor of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.
“. . . Chancellor Renick has worked closely with community and business leaders to strengthen the Dearborn campus’s relationships with residents of Southeastern Michigan,” the resolution noted. “Enrollment has grown to historically high levels, due in part to curricular developments tailored to the needs of the region, including master’s degree programs in engineering, computer technology and education. The U-M-Dearborn completed its first capital campaign, raising more than $25 million during Chancellor Renick’s tenure. In addition, during the past six years, the campus has secured approval and funding from the state Legislature to support a building program that literally has transformed the campus.”