The General Motors Foundation has announced an $8.5 million commitment to the University’s $1 billion Campaign for Michigan. Of the GM pledge, $3 million has been earmarked for campaign priorities in the College of Engineering and $500,000 for the School of Business Administration.
“During this economic time, I think the need for partnership between industry and our educational system has never been more important,” said John O. Grettenberger, Cadillac general manager and General Motors vice president. “We need to find new and innovative ways to keep students in school, get them excited about math and science, and improve the performance level of our entire work force.
“We are the customers to the educational institutions and we need to let schools know where we are headed and what anticipated skills and abilities will be needed for the future.”
In thanking General Motors, Dean Peter M. Banks of the College of Engineering said: “General Motors’ generosity reflects both its commitment to the future and its sensitivity to the needs of the present. A portion of the commitment has been earmarked for construction of an Engineering Center building, the College’s integration of information technology and computers into the learning process, and our efforts to recruit and retain women and minorities are all high priorities and pivotal components of our mission.”
Dean B. Joseph White of the School of Business Administration said: “General Motors is a valued corporate customer. This gift is of special significance to the Business School as it represents a vote of confidence and a measure of support from an important corporate client. The General Motors contribution will be used at the Business School for student and faculty support in one of our exciting new ventures—the Michigan Joint Manufacturing Initiative.
“This is a collaborative response by the College of Engineering and School of Business Administration to industry’s demand for manufacturing leaders who will function effectively in today’s restructured work place, thereby increasing American competitiveness in the global economy.”
When this gift is combined with an estimated $5 million of additional GM support in areas such as scholarships, automotive studies and research grants, in-kind contributions, departmental initiatives and GM Corporate match of employee contributions, the aggregate GM support to the U-M will total approximately $8.5 million over 10 years.
“General Motors Foundation has shown remarkable support for a wide range of
U-M initiatives,” said President James J. Duderstadt. “We share a common concern and vision for the education of present and future students. GM’s commitment to a wide range of activities in the College of Engineering and the Business School demonstrates broad and ongoing involvement in the health of the University and of education. We are proud of and grateful for such partnerships with leaders of industry.”