Flower Show makes big splash

The University Record, April 3, 1995

Flower Show makes big splash

What started out as “A Little Water Music” soon became a flood of people attending this year’s flower and garden show sponsored by Matthaei Botanical Gardens at the Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds.

Show director Faye Traskos attributes the nearly 30,000 attendees to the popularity of the show’s theme, using water in both indoor and outdoor gardens, and to the teamwork of the Matthaei staff.

“We were pleased with the results of recognition by local, national and regional media, too,” Traskos said.

Traskos also credits the show’s success to the popularity of gardening as a hobby. Of course, the relatively fair weather added to the success, she said.

The only indoor flower and garden show in Michigan, the annual Ann Arbor Flower and Garden Show, with more than 400 exhibits, presented eager viewers an array of gardens in a variety of sizes and styles, all incorporating water in some fashion, from a birdbath to a waterfall.

The 1996 show will be held March 28-31.


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