Accusations against three students under the student rights and responsibilities policy have been officially filed with the Office of Student Affairs.
One student is accused of drug sales, another of physical harassment and a third of stalking, according to Mary Lou Antieau, who heads the Judicial Adviser’s Office.
Once a complaint is received by Antieau, she contacts the accused student to determine how the student wishes to proceed. Three avenues are available to the accused:
—Mediation. If both parties agree, Antieau will appoint a third party to meet with them to reach a solution.
—Administrative hearing. The accused may choose to have the case heard by a representative of the administration.
—Hearing panel. The accused may choose to have the case decided by a panel consisting of six students and one non-voting faculty chair.
If mediation is chosen but is unsuccessful, the accused then may choose either an administrative hearing or a student panel hearing.
None of the three accused students have decided how to proceed, Antieau says, although one is considering mediation. According to statistics from other institutions with similar procedures, Antieau says, only about 5 percent of the complaints against students are ever brought to student hearing panels.