The University Record, December 5, 1995
Finally! One-stop shopping
The University Record and the Campus Information Centers (CIC) have combined their efforts to collect information from campus units and groups wishing to publicize their upcoming events. Events that are entered in UMEvents also will be included in the Record’s calendar section as long as they are sponsored by a University unit or affiliate and meet the criteria set by the Record. Items for News Briefs must still be sent to The University Record, by fax at 764-7084, Campus Mail at 412 Maynard St. 1399 or by e-mail to any one of the Record staff. (See page 4 for names and e-mail addresses.)
In order to enter an event in UMEvents, you must be an authorized sponsor. To become one, telnet to From the main gopher menu, select the U of Michigan and Ann Arbor, then select UMEvents, then select sponsor registration menu. Print, fill out and return the sponsor authorization form to the Campus Information Centers, 1st floor, Michigan Union 1349, or fax it to the CIC at 763-9556.
Look for tips for entering events and instructions for entering events, also under the sponsor registration menu. Follow the instructions and tips carefully to enter your event in both UMEvents and The University Record calendar.
For a period of time, the Record will continue to accept Calendar items that are faxed, hand-carried or sent through Campus Mail or e-mail. After a transition period, all events for the Calendar will need to be entered in UMEvents in order to be carried by the Record.