Richard W. Bailey
Regents’ Award for Distinguished Public Service

Richard Bailey is that model educator who demands that the university exist not in and for itself but for the growing good of the world. Throughout his career he has continually brought his scholarly interests in language and pedagogy to bear on real social problems.

Professor Bailey is a local and national leader in community college education. He played a key role in designing, implementing, and directing the Doctor of Arts in the English Department. This unique program has brought talented mid-career teachers, many of them from community colleges throughout the country, into the academy for intensive re-education in pedagogy. Long before the Michigan Mandate became a design for the University’s diversity efforts, the D.A. program in English enrolled a lively and heterogeneous group of dedicated educators and returned them to their various educational enterprises with a renewed sense of purpose and spirit of innovation.

Furthermore, Professor Bailey has been an elected member of the Wash-tenaw Community College Board of Trustees since the mid-1970s and has chaired the Board since 1986. In this role he brings his expertise in language study and teacher training to an institution that, through his leadership, has become increasingly important to the local community. He strongly believes in the open door philosophy of ensuring a high quality education and job training programs for a wide spectrum of people. He is a gracious and articulate spokesperson for the institution and for its mission.

Acknowledging his energetic efforts in both educating teachers and setting policy at the community college level, the University is pleased to confer upon Richard Bailey its Regents’ Award for Distinguished Public Service.

Richard A. Campbell
Faculty Recognition Award

Nationally known as a critic of television, particularly of broadcast journalism, Richard Campbell is locally just as much admired for his commitment to multiculturalism and curricular reform, his questioning of outdated disciplinary boundaries, and his criticism of elitist aesthetic distinctions. He is also a tireless organizer, excellent teacher, and nurturing mentor.

Professor Campbell’s book, 60 Minutes and the News: A Mythology for Middle America, offers a detailed interpretive analysis of the most popular and profitable show in television history. It explores the boundaries between fact and fiction, information and entertainment, documentary and drama, and the role of news in myth-making and narrative ritual. He has also co-authored an influential analysis of the way homelessness is reported in television news. For his current project he and a colleague are studying the treatment of cocaine as a social problem in 270 network news stories broadcast between 1980 and 1988.

Both on campus and in the local community, Professor Campbell is a popular lecturer on topics as varied as news, postmodernism, cultural elitism, children and television, media and war coverage, and “political correctness.” He helped organize the 1991 national conference on literacy. In the same year, he put together two major panels for a conference on “political correctness” that received national attention: one on “P.C. and the News,” the other on “Free Speech, Hate Speech and P.C.” Recently he helped launch the Cultural Studies Confederation, a faculty-student group devoted to the interdisciplinary study of contemporary culture.

Honoring the breadth and resonance of his work in media and culture, the University is pleased to present to Richard Campbell its Faculty Recognition Award.

L. Ross Chambers
Faculty Recognition Award

During his distinguished career as a literary critic, Ross Chambers first established himself as the world’s leading Nerval and Baudelaire scholar, then later became one of this country’s most eminent theorists of narratology and the political role of literature. Moreover, both students and colleagues commend him as a mentor of extraordinary finesse and legendary generosity.

Professor Chambers’ last four books stand out. Meaning and Meaningfulness carefully investigates the way texts make meanings and readers make them make meanings. Story and Situation draws upon French, American, and English writers, emphasizing the distinction between narratology and the interpretation of narrative, especially the way stories thematize their own narration. Through readings that are as sophisticated as they are persuasive, the seminal study Mélancolie et Opposition explores the beginnings of modernism in France, stressing the importance of textual context on the production of meaning. His most recent work, Room to Maneuver, posits reading as an “oppositional practice productive of change”; Chambers here demonstrates how literature simultaneously draws upon and opposes the authoritative texts upon which it depends.

As a teacher, Professor Chambers is non-authoritarian in his approach to knowledge, and is sensitive to current socio-political issues. He turns the classroom into a relaxed, productive space in which he becomes the catalyst for knowledge that the students themselves create. He brings out the best in his students and younger colleagues by encouraging them to discover the best in themselves.

Celebrating his trailblazing achievements in French literary studies and critical theory, as well as his magnanimity in nurturing the intellectual growth of others, the University is proud to bestow upon Ross Chambers its Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award.

Jerome M. Clubb
Senior Research Scientist Lectureship

A highly successful academic entrepreneur, Jerome Clubb has turned his organizational skills to the betterment of social science throughout the world. He has also made substantial scholarly contributions in the application of quantitative techniques to the study of history.

From 1975 to 1991 Dr. Clubb was the executive director of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research. Established in 1962, the Consortium initially archived and disseminated only national election data. Dr. Clubb soon added historical data, then material from sociology and social work, library and information science, and economics. Under his stewardship the Consortium expanded into an international center for the archiving of social science data and for the teaching of advanced methods of analysis in social science research. It is now a centerpiece of the national social science enterprise.

As one of the pioneers in the application of social science techniques to history, Dr. Clubb was also co-founder of the Social Science History Association. With over 1,000 members, this organization not only provides a forum for the analysis of historical phenomena from a social scientific perspective, but brings together social scientists from many disciplines.

Dr. Clubb’s own scholarship elucidates partisan realignments in the United States. Rigorously applying social science methods to historical data, he traces the precise social and geographical basis of shifts in partisan support at crucial points in U.S. electoral history. He argues convincingly that partisan realignments followed rather than preceded critical elections and arose from the political drive of elites rather than from changing public sentiment.

Honoring his bedrock contribution to the archiving and interpretation of social science data, the University is proud to confer upon Jerome Clubb its Senior Research Scientist Lectureship.

Claude A. Eggertsen
Distinguished Faculty Governance Award

Claude Eggertsen retired in 1979 after 40 years of service in the School of Education. During the 1960s and 1970s he had been a widely acknowledged and gifted leader in University faculty governance.

Professor Eggertsen’s efforts on behalf of the University faculty were concentrated in two arenas. First, he chaired the Senate Committee on Bylaws from 1962 to 1966. Inspired by his sage leadership, this committee proposed the structure of the present-day Senate Assembly. Professor Eggertsen remained active in Senate affairs until his retirement, chairing the Senate Assembly Committee on University Affairs and the Senate Assembly Committee on Rules.

The other major venue for Professor Eggertsen’s work in faculty governance was the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). He served as president of The University of Michigan chapter of the AAUP from 1975 to 1976, then became chair of the Tenure Committee for the Michigan Division of AAUP. In these capacities he showed constant concern for the well-being of the faculty and was an invaluable source of advice on faculty problems.

Professor Eggertsen was a pioneer in the field of international and comparative education. During his 20-year directorship of the Comparative Education Program in the School of Education, he arranged exchange programs with the Universities of Bombay, Keele, and Edinburgh and directed study programs in Japan, Mexico, England, and India. In 1961 he founded the journal Notes and Abstracts in American and International Education.

In gratitude for his many years of vigilance over the concerns of our faculty, the University is pleased to bestow upon Claude Eggertsen its Distinguished Faculty Governance Award.

Anne C. Herrmann
Faculty Recognition Award

With her wide-ranging expertise in contemporary literature and culture and in the theories offered to explain them, Anne Herrmann has become a leading faculty citizen of the programs in Women’s Studies, Comparative Literature, and American Culture as well as of the English Department. But the benefits of her provocative ideas and inexhaustible administrative energy extend well beyond these four units. As one example among many, she organized a lesbian and gay studies reading group, bringing together from throughout the University faculty and graduate students interested in this rapidly evolving field.

Professor Herrmann’s first book, which proposes a gendered use of Mikhail Bakhtin’s notion of “dialogic,” is a dense and formally inventive exploration of subjectivity in the works of Virginia Woolf and the German writer Christa Wolf. The form of each chapter—a self-interview, an exchange of letters, an imaginary dialogue between Woolf and Wolf—brilliantly illustrates the dialogic in action. Essays from her current project, a cultural examination of cross-dressing in film and literature, have already made a significant impact in the world of feminist studies.

In the classroom, Professor Herrmann challenges students to think critically about social life, the individual subject, and the academic disciplines which generate theory about both. These fundamental questions often stir highly charged political discussions. Professor Herrmann handles such situations with great sensitivity and care, neither silencing any class member nor allowing unjust attacks to pass unnoticed. Ultimately she invites students to create new theoretical insights out of these classroom tensions.

Recognizing her rare gift for gently but convincingly challenging the comfortable and the habitual—whether as scholar, teacher, or administrator—the University proudly bestows upon Anne Herrmann its Faculty Recognition Award.

Bruce H. Karnopp
Amoco Foundation Faculty Teaching Award

Over the past 20 years, course evaluations have consistently placed Bruce Karnopp among the very best instructors in the College of Engineering. Students praise him as knowledgeable, talented, highly motivated, and able to balance theory with application; they find him charismatic, caring, and genuinely interested in student learning. After more than a decade, one former student still remembers his concrete classroom application of vibration theory.

One measure of Professor Karnopp’s extraordinary devotion to teaching is his wide range; he has offered 14 different courses at all levels, in various programs, and has developed six new ones. For his “Introduction to Dynamics” he wrote an accompanying textbook. His “Mechanical Engineering Analysis” is one of the most popular courses in the Department. His most recent addition to the curriculum, “Selected Topics in Engineering,” encourages first-year students to discover and design engineering systems.

Professor Karnopp’s dedication to students is evident also beyond the classroom. As chair of the Engineering Undergraduate Admissions Committee, he gives speeches throughout the state aimed at attracting talented high school students to the University. He has been especially committed to the recruitment of minority students and students from rural areas. In addition, Professor Karnopp actively participates in the new Universitywide Mentorship Program. He has helped the program develop a video system, has provided advice on the preparation of a mentoring handbook, and has energetically counseled many first-year students himself. Professor Karnopp also serves as faculty adviser to the student-run Solar Car Team.

Celebrating his many activities both inside and outside the classroom on behalf of students, the University proudly grants Bruce Karnopp its Amoco Foundation Faculty Teaching Award.

Janet U. Kozyra
Research Scientist Award

An active and established member of her professional community, Janet Kozyra is one of today’s most talented young scientists in space plasma physics. She also serves as a stimulating role model for aspiring women scientists.

Dr. Kozyra began her career as a science team member on the Dynamics Explorer satellite, an Earth-orbiting mission designed to investigate the coupling between higher altitudes in near-Earth space and the Earth’s ionosphere. Her work associated with this mission focuses on the transfer of magnetic storm energy into the ionosphere and neutral atmosphere at mid-altitudes. These investigations revealed a fascinating coupling between the ionosphere, which expels low-energy heavy ions into near-Earth space, solar wind interactions that increase the ion energies many orders of magnitude, and processes that return this energy to the low-altitude ionosphere in the form of heating and particle precipitation.

Dr. Kozyra has expanded her research interests to include wave-particle interactions in the inner magnetosphere and processes involved in particle precipitation. She is now a guest investigator on a spacecraft mission which is exploring the plasma environment in the inner magnetosphere.

Additionally, Dr. Kozyra acts as an ambassador of science to youth and to community groups. She has spoken before Zonta International, an organization of professional women, and before public school classes. She has participated in the Summer Exploration Program sponsored by the Society of Women Engineers, as well as in the Women and Science Workshop for first-year University women, and Science Day on Campus for eighth-grade girls.

Recognizing her contributions to space physics, as well as her efforts on behalf of future women scientists, the University proudly presents to Janet Kozyra its Research Scientist Award.

Earl Lewis
Faculty Recognition Award

Earl Lewis is a pioneer in the systematic historical study of 20th-century African-American communities, an administrator of extraordinary vision, and a person of great energy and bubbling intelligence. Although a member of the faculty only since 1989, he has already made a mark on the University’s intellectual life.

In his pathbreaking book on Black migration and community relations in Norfolk, Va., Professor Lewis combines oral history, archival sources, and various quantitative procedures to provide a new window on the ways in which the experiences, cultures, and behaviors of African Americans affected family organization and led to advancement in the workplace. He is one of the very first to view Black people as autonomous actors on the urban stage, rather than as victims of the ghetto. His current study of Black school teachers explores the social construction of race, class, and gender in the Jim Crow South.

In the two years that Professor Lewis has been its director, the Center for Afroamerican and African Studies has become a leader in the interdisciplinary study of the African diaspora. The capstone of this achievement is the research program he is developing on the experiences of people of African descent in industrializing societies. Moreover, through his efforts in faculty recruitment, he has dramatically improved the University’s reputation in Black history and has helped to reinforce existing strength in the humanities. Typical of the intellectual vigor Professor Lewis has brought to the Center was its distinguished 1991–92 Colloquium Series on Race, Culture, and the Politics of Intellectual Inquiry.

Celebrating both his eminent scholarship and his inspired leadership of the Center for Afroamerican and African Studies, the University proudly confers upon Earl Lewis its Faculty Recognition Award.

David M. Lubman
Faculty Recognition Award

Considered a national leader in laser spectroscopy, David Lubman combines in all his work an outstanding grasp of fundamental scientific measurements with a commitment to developing techniques useful for the biomedical and environmental analysis of complex mixtures. Indeed, his boundless energy and creative approach to problem-solving have resulted in a prodigious number of publications.

The current state of the art in chemical analysis of trace and ultratrace molecules in these complex mixtures is to dissect them using chromatography and then to identify the separated elements using mass spectrometry. Yet this technique requires at least 20 minutes per sample and does not work for very large, non-volatile molecules. Using highly sophisticated instrumentation, which he designed, Professor Lubman has developed a new approach, based on laser excitation of molecules cooled by supersonic expansion. The advantages of this approach are that it can be carried out instantaneously, can readily separate geometric isomers and isotopes, and works beautifully on non-volatile molecules. Lubman’s edited volume on mass spectrometry establishes his leadership in this field.

Graduate students who have worked with Professor Lubman note with appreciation his talent for encouraging them to develop as independent scientists. He points students in the right direction but allows them to design and complete investigations on their own. He also takes a serious interest in their future, working with them to determine career goals, then ensuring that they acquire the necessary scientific skills and make the appropriate personal contacts to achieve them.

With great admiration for his fundamental contributions in analytical chemistry, the University is pleased to confer upon David Lubman its Faculty Recognition Award.

Michael A. Marletta
Faculty Recognition Award

Michael Marletta is an eminent bio-organic chemist, with research interests in enzymatic mechanisms. Yet his colleagues equally value his exceptional quality as a teacher, and his dedicated service to the Medical School, to the College of Pharmacy, and to the University at large.

In 1985, Professor Marletta discovered the key role that nitric oxide plays in immune system response, and he has since identified a new and unusual characteristic of the enzyme that triggers or catalyzes production of nitric oxide in mammalian cells. He is now considered a world leader in defining the biochemical pathways that lead to the generation of nitrates, nitrites, and nitric oxide.

This research has extremely important physiological and pharmacological implications; nitric oxide is both cytotoxic and a potent vasodilator that may be responsible for the actions of cardiac drugs like nitroglycerin. The enzymes involved in the generation and recognition of nitric oxide are currently being purified in Professor Marletta’s laboratory and are potential drug targets. Nitric oxide is currently the subject of intense international study, and the importance of his contribution to this area of research was recently recognized through the prestigious George Hitchings Award for Innovative Methods in Drug Discovery and Design.

Teaching evaluations place Professor Marletta in the highest category of instructors in the College of Pharmacy. In the classroom he is articulate, entertaining, and able to explain difficult concepts to a diverse group. Even those for whom the course material is not a primary interest are captured by his unusual ability to grasp one’s attention and to refocus it on what Marletta considers important.

Out of great respect for this work in biological chemistry, with its rich therapeutic possibilities, the University proudly grants Michael Marletta its Faculty Recognition Award.

Roy J. Nelson
Amoco Foundation Faculty Teaching Award

During his 35 years on The University of Michigan faculty, Roy Nelson has been a teacher’s teacher. His former students, now well launched on their own teaching careers, regard his classroom presence as an ideal toward which they constantly aspire. According to one of them, presently an associate professor of French at Washington University in St. Louis, “the model he presented is one that I still try to imitate in my own dealings with students. But my imitation can go only so far.”

Whether in introductory French literature courses or in the French film course he developed, Professor Nelson’s wit and good humor well balance his demands for perfection. He subtly introduces theory and culture through close readings of texts, skillfully drawing connections between early texts and contemporary life. The comfortable, collaborative classroom atmosphere that he creates leads students to report that they speak better French in his classes than in others. Conversations with Professor Nelson often last well beyond the class hour and are continued on student papers, to which he routinely writes substantive responses.

“Caring” is most often invoked to describe Professor Nelson’s teaching. The chair of the Rutgers French Department recalls how in 1966, when she felt disoriented after a junior year abroad in Aix-en-Provence, Professor Nelson transformed her confusion and pointed her toward the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship for college teaching that led her to embark upon her present career.

In recognition of the inspiring example he has set for future generations of French teachers, the University is pleased to bestow upon Roy Nelson its Amoco Foundation Faculty Teaching Award.

Marilynn M. Rosenthal
Faculty Recognition Award

Marilynn Rosenthal’s influential work in medical sociology offers an important model of the increasingly international, interdisciplinary, and policy-oriented trends in contemporary higher education. She has worked with equal vigor in research and in program development.

Professor Rosenthal brings an international perspective to the pressing contemporary problems of regulating the practice of medicine and delivering health services to a broad segment of society. She has written on medical manpower policy, the British National Health Service, comparative medical malpractice, the modernization of the health care system in China, and the Swedish health insurance system. (She was the first to identify the unexpected growth of private medical practice in Sweden.) Currently, she is examining individual patient experiences with physician regulation.

In 1981 Professor Rosenthal created the undergraduate Health Policy Studies Program at the Dearborn campus. Responding to the career and intellectual interests of students on the Dearborn campus, this interdisciplinary undertaking draws together courses in such areas as sociology, political science, and economics. It also allows students to learn the kinds of skills required by employers: information systems design, social research methods, and accounting. A recent innovation is a senior seminar which features presentations by executives from Michigan hospitals.

Professor Rosenthal has also developed summer study programs in England, Sweden, and China for American undergraduates, medical students, and graduate students in health administration. In this comparative study of national health systems, various modes of control over health providers and systems of funding health services are explored through lectures, discussions, field trips, and placements.

Honoring her programmatic and scholarly achievements in the comparative study of health care systems, the University is pleased to present to Marilynn Rosenthal its Faculty Recognition Award.

Sharon E. Sutton
Regents’ Award for Distinguished Public Service

Whether she is teaching architectural design, helping elementary school children to improve their community, or raising public awareness of environmental issues, Sharon Sutton connects knowledge with action in pursuit of social progress. She is a national advocate for reinvigorating urban America and its youth, and is a socially conscious—and conscientious—teacher and community worker.

Professor Sutton engages her students in service to low-income communities as she teaches them professional skills. In 1991, she and her students developed housing proposals for the Hubbard Richard Citizens District Council in Detroit. Students worked closely with Council members and residents, presenting their proposals—some visionary, others immediately attainable—to a large audience at the end of the term.

Another example of Professor Sutton’s linkage of research and public service is The Urban Network, a K-12 program that she designed, which won the 1991 American Planning Association’s Education Award. This one-year program involves more than 50 schools in 12 cities. It teaches children and adults to study their environment, to select an area of focus, to develop a plan for improving their school community, and then to raise money to implement the plan. Projects already undertaken include a clean-up campaign in New York City, a mural in Watsonville, Calif., and a wildflower center in Chicago.

Professor Sutton is also a tireless local advocate for the role of the environment in human development. She advises such Detroit groups as Your Heritage House, the Church of the Messiah Housing Corporation, and Preservation Wayne.

Honoring her dedication to improving the environment for those living in urban poverty, the University is proud to present Sharon Sutton with the Regents’ Award for Distinguished Public Service.

Martinus J. G. Veltman
Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

A giant in the field of particle physics, Martinus Veltman is one of the most accomplished theoretical physicists of the past 30 years. It is emblematic of his stature that, to honor his 60th birthday, the Physics Department organized a special conference, attended by two Nobel laureates and other leading figures in elementary particle physics.

The modern era in particle physics really began when, during the 1970s, Professor Veltman developed a set of proofs that revolutionized thinking about elementary particles and basic forces, the simplest constituents of the physical world. His renormalization proofs of nonabelian gauge theories reintroduced the use of gauge theories in particle physics and helped make possible the unification of two of the four fundamental forces—electromagnetism and the weak force. Very precise measurements of electroweak physics at laboratories around the world have since confirmed the correctness of predictions in the model that he helped to create.

Subsequently, Professor Veltman has continued to maintain a central place in particle theory. He is among the leading authorities, and most respected critics, of the theory of the Higgs boson, a particle postulated to explain the origin of mass. In addition, he was among the first to recognize the important role that computers would play as the mathematical calculations associated with theoretical physics became exceedingly complex. As a result he developed an algebra- and calculus-performing computer program, Schoonschip, which has been widely disseminated in the particle physics and scientific community.

As a further tribute to work that has already earned him such prestigious honors as the Humboldt Award, the University is proud to confer upon Martinus Veltman its Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award.

Charles H. Williams Jr.
Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

Charles Williams has achieved an international reputation for his research on important enzymes that catalyze oxidation-reduction reactions. He studies the structure and function of a class of proteins called flavin disulfide oxidoreductases. Members of this enzyme family play key roles in energy metabolism, in metabolic regulation including DNA synthesis, in the detoxification of mercuric ions by bacteria in polluted lakes, and, above all, in defense mechanisms against the toxic side effects of oxygen. Thanks to Professor Williams’ indefatigable efforts and methodological innovations, these proteins rank among the best characterized enzymes—as chemical catalysts, as biological units, and as drug targets.

Since 1983 Professor Williams has served on the editorial board of the Journal of Biological Chemistry, a leading periodical in the field. And he cochaired the Seventh International Symposium on Flavins and Flavoproteins.

Professor Williams is also highly respected for his devotion to teaching. He directs the section of biochemistry designed specifically for undergraduate Inteflex students. In this, the first course which these young students encounter in the Medical School, Professor Williams gives unstintingly of his time to counsel individuals who experience difficulty or anxiety. By the end of the semester his Inteflex students are performing as well in the course as students in the standard Medical School curriculum and they often perform still better. He is particularly respected for his sympathetic counseling of educationally disadvantaged students in the Inteflex program, for whom he often provides special tutoring.

Recognizing his painstaking and innovative biochemical studies of flavoproteins, as well as his unflagging dedication to his students, the University is pleased to grant Charles Williams its Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award.

Shien-Ming Wu
Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

During the 30 years of his academic career, first at the University of Wisconsin, then at The University of Michigan, Shien-Ming Wu has had a greater impact on the field of manufacturing automation than any other single individual in the world. In part that influence stems from the number of students he has guided and the students they have trained in their turn. Almost one quarter of the active U.S. faculty in manufacturing engineering trace their academic lineage to him.

Professor Wu’s major research contribution has been to introduce advanced statistical methods into manufacturing research through what he calls the Dynamic Data System. This approach develops meaningful mathematical models of physical systems from measured data representing a system’s inputs and responses. For complex manufacturing processes, which are still inadequately understood, it offers the only method of obtaining a mathematical description for control and monitoring purposes.

There are numerous successful applications of the Dynamic Data System method: in compensation and control of the accuracy of machine tools and robots; in the monitoring, diagnosis, and prediction of performance in mechanical components and systems; and in the modeling and analysis of machine tool and cutting process dynamics. For instance, Professor Wu helped Cadillac improve the quality and overall efficiency of their body operations.

During his years in Ann Arbor, Professor Wu has established a National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Center. Its mission is to encourage industry and universities to work together to ensure improved quality in manufacturing through measurements.

Appreciating his monumental accomplishments in manufacturing automation, the University proudly grants to Shien-Ming Wu its Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award.

Tadataka Yamada
Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

When the history of gastrointestinal peptide research in the 20th century is written, Tadataka Yamada will appear as one of the pivotal figures, one who illuminated the field by applying the methods of cellular and molecular biology. Throughout these research efforts Professor Yamada maintains the perspective of a physician scientist with a desire to understand the intricacies of human physiology in health and in disease.

Professor Yamada is perhaps the world’s expert on gastrointestinal functions of the peptide somatostatin. In addition, his laboratory has made novel discoveries about the production, secretion, and action of gastrin, the most important hormone regulating gastric acid secretion. He has cloned the genes encoding pancreatic polypeptide, an important gastrointestinal hormone, as well as the gene encoding histamine H2 receptor, an important hormone receptor that also regulates gastric acid secretion. Any one of these achievements would constitute a significant life’s work for many scientists.

In 1983 Professor Yamada arrived at the University to head the Division of Gastroenterology. Within six years he had turned a small unit with limited funding into one of the two strongest programs in the country. He was also instrumental in developing the first national center for gastrointestinal hormone research, funded by the National Institutes of Health. The center has brought together more than 20 investigators from various clinical and basic science departments and is considered one of the world’s leading research groups in gastrointestinal peptides. In recognition of his research and out of respect for his organizational and administrative genius, he was recently appointed chair of Internal Medicine.

Acknowledging his crucial contributions to the study of gastrointestinal peptides, the University is proud to bestow upon Tadataka Yamada its Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award.

Jack L. Walker Jr.
University Press Book Award

When Jack Walker took up his Fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences in the academic year 1989–1990, he had been working with a variety of young collaborators for more than a decade on his ambitious study of interest groups in America. The book was planned and the task ahead of him was one of integration and connection—making a book out of papers that had reported the ongoing research step-by-step. While Jack had made good progress on the book, the year was only half over when he died. But Jack’s death revealed to all of us the fondness and admiration he inspired in those who worked with him. Frank Baumgartner, Thomas Gais, David King, and Mark Peterson, assisted by Joel Aberbach and Kim Scheppele, were moved by their respect and affection for Jack to put aside other projects and work together to complete the book. The result is a smashing success, a final testament to Jack’s stature as a political scientist.

One senior political scientist has said of the final version of the book, which is titled Mobilizing Interest Groups in America: Patrons, Professions and Social Movements, “This interpretation of the changing role of citizens and interest groups in American government is must reading for anyone interested in the gathering debate on how to revitalize American democracy.” One of the foremost scholars of interest groups in this country—a man not inclined to hyperbole—observed: “the political science profession will regard this as the best book about interest groups in America.” The special strength of the work comes from its unusual and admirable combination of careful and painstaking examination of empirical evidence on the one hand together with an original and important theoretical vision on the other. It is indeed, as Ted Lowi described it: “the best of political science.”

The University is proud to complement the recognition Mobilizing Interest Groups in America: Patrons, Professions and Social Movements has already received with its 1992 University Press Book Award.


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