The University Record, January 9, 1996
Extension Service needs your help in compiling catalog
Glenda Radine, interim director of the Extension Service, wants to dispel a longstanding rumor — that Ann Arbor is a sleepy summer town that comes alive only for the art fairs.
The Extension Service, a division of the University’s Academic Outreach Program, is compiling an expanded course catalogue designed to attract new students to the U-M’s rich summer-class offerings. Already included are more than 350 credit-bearing and non-credit courses and recreational activities that can enliven Ann Arbor in the temperate days of May through August.
The catalogue will contain course descriptions and time schedules, non-credit course information such as workshops from the schools of Art and Music, computer courses from the Information Technology Division, special programs for high school students, and even programs offered by the City of Ann Arbor.
“The catalogue will be distributed nationally. We hope to reach students from the state of Michigan who are attending schools elsewhere and professionals who can enhance their skills through courses offered at the U-M,” Radine says. “We also think this is a great means for people within the University to learn about what other units are doing. It even provides an opportunity for units to cross-market their programs.”
The effort to expand enrollment in summer classes is an important early project of the U-M’s Academic Outreach Program, which was created to reach new people with the academic offerings of the U-M.
A task force has been working to compile each unit’s summer courses, but, because of the breadth of the project, Radine says it is difficult to reach everybody. She’d like to recruit the help of individual units to help her assemble a complete catalogue.
To have your unit’s summer programs included in the catalogue, send summer course descriptions and activities information to the Extension Service, 200 Hill Street 3297 before Jan. 22, or call 764-5300 for more information.
“The U-M has a lot to offer during the summer. Ann Arbor is an attractive place to spend the season, with the art fairs, summer Art Festival, the beautiful weather, recreational activities and a wealth of academic opportunities,” Radine says. “We hope this catalogue will give a flavor of what life can be like here during the summer.”