The University Record, November 21, 1995
Ellison appointed associate vice president for research
Julie Ellison, professor of English language and literature, has been appointed associate vice president for research, for a three-year renewable term effective Jan. 1, 1996-Dec. 31, 1998. The appointment was approved by the Regents at their November meeting.
In recommending Ellison for the post, Vice President for Research Homer A. Neal noted that “her stature as a distinguished scholar and her experience as an academic administrator make her an outstanding candidate for the position. She already is demonstrating the energy she has for this position. Even as she completed the current term teaching and serving as graduate chair of the English department, she is actively generating ideas and plans for her new role. She will be well oriented and positioned by January to launch into her responsibilities in OVPR.”
Ellison will focus on the arts and humanities, with an eye to strengthening the bridge between the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) and faculty in humanities, arts and creative studies. Nevertheless, her responsibilities will include working with many schools, colleges, institutes and centers in those areas, as well as providing leadership for task forces, developing initiatives, studying policy issues, participating in evaluation of proposals and the oversight of some research units that report to OVPR.
Ellison holds a B.A. from Harvard University and Ph.D. from Yale University. She joined the U-M as assistant professor of English in 1980, was appointed associate professor in 1986 and professor in 1991. She also has been a faculty associate of the Comparative Literature Program since 1991 and graduate chair in her department since January.
Her awards include the Brevoldt Prize for Outstanding Junior Faculty Member in the Department of English, National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship and Faculty Recognition Award. She was the John Rich Fellow at the Institute for the Humanities in 1993-94.
Among her numerous service contributions are membership on the executive committees of the Programs in American Culture and Comparative Literature and serving as a developer of the Humanities Advisory Group for the University of Michigan Press.
Ellison has served on the editorial boards of The New Athenaeum, The Arizona Quarterly and Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture; as a reviewer for the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Council of Learned Societies; and on the advisory boards of the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism and the Library of America.
She is filling the vacancy created by Robert Weisbuch’s appointment as interim dean of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies.