A series of eldercare and parenting workshops have been scheduled by the Family Care Resources Program (FCRP) over the next several months.
Most are free and will be held noon–1 p.m. in Rooms 1 and 2 or Rooms 4 and 5 of the Michigan League. Space is limited and preregistration (998-6133) is advised. Workshops with an * after the title are presented by Human Resource Development and carry a $10 fee. Advance registration is required. Call 764-7410.
The eldercare series kicks off Tuesday (Jan. 26) with Memory and Aging. Lynn Stern of Turner Geriatric Clinic will help participants discover facts about memory and aging and offer tips for improving memory.
How Do You Know if It’s Alzheimer’s Disease is the focus of the Feb. 12 program. Gail Einhaus of the Alzheimer’s Association and Leslie de Pietro, coordinator of the FCRP, will discuss symptoms of the disease and finding support to help family members cope with the disease.
Other programs in this series:
—Feb. 23: What Do You Do When Your Parents Can’t Live Alone?
—March 3: When Your Parents Seem Down: Depression or Just the Blues?
—March 30: Everything You Wanted to Know About Helping Aging Relatives…And Now You Can Ask!*
Programs scheduled for the parenting workshops include:
—Feb. 2: Home Alone? When is a child ready to stay home without a baby-sitter? When is it safe to leave them and what precautions should be taken? Lindy Buch, director, Eastern Michigan University Children’s Institute.
—Feb. 17: Parenting Your Teenager—A Time of Dynamic Change and Growth* Parenting a teenager may be the most difficult challenge of parenting, and participants will gain ideas for changing the terms of the relationship. Joan Horton, Pound House.
—Feb. 18: Parenting African American Children.
—March 16: Time Management for Parents.
—March 23: Myths and Realities of Step-parenting.
—April 14: Sibling Rivalry: It Takes Two to Tangle.
—May 14—Parenting with Love and Logic: Preparing Kids for the Real World.
The FCRP also is presenting a six-week series of discussion/support groups for working parents, gay and lesbian parents, single parents and parents of children with special needs that will begin the week of Feb. 15. The groups are informal and designed to address common concerns and topics of interest. Sessions will be held noon–1 p.m. in the FCRP office, 715 N. University. Call 998-6133 to register.