The University Record, October 1, 1996
Eighteen faculty members receive emeritus status
Eighteen faculty members were given the emeritus title by the the Regents at their September meeting.
Those retiring are Harold E. Arnett, professor of accounting; Richard E. Corpron, professor of dentistry and the Marcus L. Ward Professor of Dentistry; Raymond E. Counsell, professor of pharmacology and of medicinal chemistry; D. Ross Cowan, associate professor of operations management, U-M-Dearborn; Peter Coyle, professor of anatomy and cell biology; Francis M. Donahue, professor of chemical engineering;
Sondra M. Gunn, assistant professor of dentistry; LaRue T. Hosmer, professor of corporate strategy; Jerold H. Israel, professor of law and the Alene and Allan F. Smith Professor of Law; Kenneth D. McClatchey, professor of pathology and of dentistry; William G. Moller Jr., associate professor of business administration; Sarah Winans Newman, professor of anatomy and cell biology; Georgeana R. Nowoc, senior associate librarian, U-M-Flint;
Anita H. Payne, professor of biological chemistry and professor of biological chemistry in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Wesley D. Rae, professor of English, U-M-Flint; Frank C. Richardson, professor of French, German and comparative literature, U-M-Flint; W. Allen Spivey, professor of statistics and the Clare E. Griffin Professor of Business Administration; and Edward G. Voss, professor of botany and curator of vascular plants.
Harold E. Arnett
Arnett “has been an outstanding teacher and faculty member,” the Regents noted. “He has been a central figure in the B.B.A curriculum for many years, and his teaching evaluations are routinely among the highest in his area. He has provided a strong senior faculty presence during many innovations and revisions in the curriculum and has always been a champion for the excellnece of our accounting program. His classrooom contributions, his good humor, and his strong collegial presence will be sorely missed.”
Richard E. Corpron
Corpron, who served as chair of the Department of Pedodontics in 1969-87, “has distinguished himself nationally and internationally as a dental scholar, researcher, administrator, and teacher. Through his dedication and talent, Dr. Corpron has earned the respect of his peers and his students. He has been a member or chair of over 100 master’s thesis committees. He has an outstanding record of achievement in dental research and publication in scientific journals.”
Raymond E. Counsell
Counsell “has been active in the design, synthesis, and evaluation of chemical regulators of biological processes and organ and tumor-imaging agents for the early diagnosis of disease. Most notable has been his development of agents for the non-invasive visualization of tumors in such organs as the liver, the prostate gland, and the adrenal cortex. During the course of these investigations, he has served as thesis chair for 25 Ph.D. students and 12 master’s degree students and has supervised the training of 35 postdoctoral fellows.”
D. Ross Cowan
Cowan’s administrative duties included serving as chair of the Division of Business Administration in 1971-73 and acting dean of the School of Management in 1973-75. “Prof. Cowan has been one of the very significant contributors to the development of the Dearborn campus. Since the first class enrolled in 1959, he has given his extensive talents and time to creating and implementing a new academic program with all the supporting activities.”
Peter Coyle
Coyle “has had a long-standing interest in the vasculature of the brain, and he became a member of the U-M Hypertension Program Project in 1981. Over the years, he has made a number of important contributions to the biomedical literature on mechanisms underlying strokes and the adaptive responses of the remaining cerebral vasculature after a stroke has occurred. He has contributed regularly to neuroanatomical instruction of both medical and dental students, and has been an active participant in the graduate neurosciences instructional program.”
Francis M. Donahue
Donahue was “responsible for establishing the program in electrochemistry as applied to chemical engineering processes, thereby restoring and enlarging the department’s competence in this important area,” the Regents noted. “His love for classroom teaching will be remembered by all of his students. With judicious use of humor and a thorough knowledge of all topics, his courses have been stimulating and his students responsive. He has the distinction of having taught all the required undergraduate chemical engineering courses, as well as new graduate courses.”
Sondra M. Gunn
Gunn, “in addition to being a dedicated teacher in the classroom and clinic, has served on several master’s degree thesis committees for graduate students in orthodontics and has served on a number of school and University committees. She has been a faculty adviser for the Summer Dental Student Research Program, the Minority Student Summer Program and the Michigan Association of Women Dentists, and has served as a resource person for the Women in Science Program.”
LaRue T. Hosmer
Hosmer “has devoted much of his professional life to the study of the ethical problems involved in managerial decisions. He has published widely on this topic, and as recently as 1994 published a book, Moral Leadership in Management.’ He has integrated this interest into innovative classroom offerings on the application of ethics and entrepreneurship in contemporary business settings. His quiet insistence on the need to incorporate ethical teachings into the curriculum has been heeded and appreciated.”
Jerold H. Israel
Israel’s “work as scholar and teacher has focused on criminal law and procedure, fields in which he is acknowledged as one of the greatest authorities in the United States. His book Modern Criminal Procedure, now in its eighth edition, is the most widely used text in American law schools. His treatises on criminal procedure and criminal law are cited repeatedly by scholars and courts, and are part of the essential library of criminal lawyers and scholars in every part of the country.”
Kenneth D. McClatchey
McClatchey “served as associate chair of the Department of Pathology in 1982-91, as well as director of the clinical laboratories in 1987-91. He was the director of the Clinical Microbiology/Virology Laboratory from 1978 until May 1996. In 1990-95, he served as associate chair of clinical affairs in the University Hospital. Dr. McClatchey was the department’s specialist in the field of oral and forensic pathology and in clinical microbiology/virology. He has received numerous awards from the Medical School, School of Dentistry, and national organizations.”
William J. Moller Jr.
Moller served as assistant to the dean, assistant dean and associate dean in the Business School. “He taught marketing and international business courses and served in several important national professional capacities, most recently on the Michigan District Export Council, an appointment by the secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Prof. Moller has a long and distinguished record of administrative service to higher education, as well as a legion of students who have benefited from his teaching and advising.”
Sarah Winans Newman
Newman served as acting chair of the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology in 1983-86 and as associate vice president for research in 1991-94. “The outstanding quality of her teaching is reflected in her having been awarded every major teaching honor that the Medical School bestows. Prof. Newman is the co-author of a well-known neuroanatomy textbook, and is an internationally recognized scientist in the field of reproductive neuroscience. She has made many important contributions, both through articles in the scientific literature and through her highly successful training of Ph.D. students.”
Georgeana R. Nowoc
Nowoc, “in addition to regular shifts at the library’s busy reference desk, was responsible for supervising and scheduling the reference department’s professional, office/clerical, and student staff,” the Regents said. “She also served as liaison to the University’s English, foreign languages, and theater departments, an important aspect of which was working with those departments on book and periodical selection. As a result of Ms. Nowoc’s two decades of consistent and close attention, the library collections are particularly strong in those subject areas.”
Anita H. Payne
Payne’s research has focused on steroid hormone biosynthesis and steroidogenic enzymes in Leydig cells. “She is recognized internationally as an expert in this area and has continually received extramural funding throughout her career to pursue her research endeavors. In recognition of her outstanding work, Prof. Payne received the University’s Academic Women’s Caucus Award for leadership, scholarship, and impact on the betterment of women. She served as president of the Society for the Study of Reproduction in 1990-91.”
Wesley D. Rae
Rae’s “administrative appointments include service as acting dean and then dean of academic affairs (1974-75), dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (1975-79), acting dean of the School of Management (1975-76), and three terms as chair of the Department of English. For the past 27 years, he has been an inspiration to students, who have flocked to his courses in Shakespeare and in the classics. Students have recognized him twice with the Distinguished Professor Award and he received the Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence.”
Frank C. Richardson
Richardson’s ” outstanding achievements over the past 40 years include a French government assistantship in Albertville, France (1950-51); Fulbright Awards at the University of Grenoble in France (1950-51) and the University of Tubingen in Germany (1954-55); and U-M-Flint’s Excellence in Teaching Award (1984). He founded the U-M-Flint Honors Program and served as its chair for 12 years, and also founded the Comparative Literature Program.”
W. Allen Spivey
Spivey “has contributed cogently to the forecasting literature with applied and theoretical work and he has mentored many students in the area of business forecasting and time series analysis. His interest in global strategic management concepts and his professional contacts in Europe and Asia have made him an invaluable asset to the Business School’s growing presence and interest in international business education. He was instrumental in the development and implementation of our program in the Leonardo da Vinci Univesity in Paris, where he continues to play an active role.”
Edward G. Voss
Voss’ ” principal research project has been the preparation of his three-volume series, Michigan Flora, which is the first comprehensive guide to the native and naturalized seed-plants of Michigan,” the Regents said. “To produce these books, Prof. Voss has spent over 40 years collecting extensively throughout the state and examining essentially all of the herbarium specimens collectec by his predecessors. Prof. Voss has long been active in and in demand as a speaker for numerous organizations concerned with conservation and natural history. His enthusiasm and communication skills have also brought him great success as a teacher.”