To provide new U-M photo identification cards to faculty, staff and students as efficiently as possible, the Department of Public Safety (DPS) is in the process of scheduling building and departmental sessions during the fall and winter terms.
Faculty and staff have been responding in extraordinary numbers to an Aug. 15 Record announcement that all faculty, staff and students are required to have a photo ID card.
Because of the overwhelming response, faculty and staff have been encountering long lines and waits of at least an hour at the open photo ID sessions. It is due to this concern that the new scheduling is being undertaken.
Providing photo IDs is an ongoing process, says DPS Lt. Rachel Flint. Most departments appear to have received the impression that IDs must be obtained by the beginning of the fall; this is not the case. Faculty and staff who do not have a photo ID card or who have an expired card are the first priority. Faculty and staff whose cards have not expired do not need a new card unless they are currently required to use a card reader for access to their work area.
DPS will offer open sessions 1–4 p.m. Wednesdays at the new Campus Safety Services Building, 1239 Kipke Drive, and 9 a.m.–2 p.m. at the DPS North Campus Commons Neighborhood Office for the next two weeks only. A letter is being sent to all departments explaining the new scheduling procedures.
The new Universal ID cards feature digital color photographs of the ID holder, magnetic stripes, library bar codes and a uniqname. The back of the card is color-coded to denote the holder’s affiliation with the University.
The Universal Photo ID cards are designed for personal identification. Their other functions may currently include: access to some computing facilities; access to some residence halls and other University buildings and rooms; and some financial services.
Employees need to bring either their old photo ID or other personal identification with them. If they have no old University-issued photo ID, the Personnel-issued yellow paper ID, plus a driver’s license or passport, will be enough to identify the individual.
Those new to the University or who have changed departments or their name should contact DPS, 763-3434, for information about the ID form that is required.
The University is making provisions for retirees and U-M alumni to obtain Universal Photo ID cards. Availability of cards to those groups will be announced in the Record. Emeritus faculty who are still affiliated with their department can get a Universal ID through the regular card issuing stations.
One of the pieces of data entered on the Universal ID card is a uniqname. This is done as a benefit to the faculty and staff members, their departments and the University.
Obtaining a uniqname before obtaining an ID card ensures that this information will be printed on the card.
The uniqname is a three- to eight-character name that enables the student, faculty or staff member to gain access to the Information Technology Division (ITD) computer network.
Uniqname will become increasingly important as more departments begin using this identification system to streamline their operations, says William A. Doster, senior systems research programmer in ITD’s Research Systems.
Since July 1990, more than 60,000 uniqnames have been issued to students, faculty and staff on the U-M’s three campuses and to outside contractors who do business with the University.
Within ITD, a uniqname is needed to gain access to any Campus Computing Site, to use request accounts for services other than the Michigan Terminal System and to dial-in to campus computers from home. Uniqnames will be needed for exchanging mail electronically and for conferencing as the University moves toward a distributed computing environment.
When selecting a uniqname, Doster says, “you should chose it with the same care you would use in representing yourself on a business card, resume or other important document.”
Popular choices are a first initial and last name or parts of first and last names.
Supervisors can speed up the process by contacting the ITD Accounts Office, 764-8000, to arrange for uniqname paperwork to be done for all of the employees in their unit prior to applying for Universal IDs.
Faculty and staff with a valid photo ID can apply for a uniqname at any of the following locations:
For information about uniqname, call 764-8000 or 764-HELP. For information about Universal ID cards, call 763-3434.