The University Record, September 3, 1996
Donate used computers to benefit home-bound
The Volunteer Computer Corps (VCC) at the U-M is holding a benefit drive to establish a program called CyberAssist that will provide Internet connectivity and training for home-bound physically challenged individuals.
Donations of used computer-related items from the U-M community will be sold at auction in order to purchase Internet-ready computers and software. The auction will be conducted on the Internet at the VCC home page.
The VCC hopes to purchase at least five computers during the coming academic year and will ask the Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living and the Washtenaw Community Assistive Technology Council for help in identifying possible recipients.
The VCC was created in 1993 to fulfill the information services needs of non-profit groups by utilizing the skills of U-M students. It provides free training and other aid to area organizations, such as Safe House and United Way.
If you have items to donate, call 764-4462 or (810) 449-8346, or send e-mail to VCC