The University Record, October 30, 1995
CP&P presents career days, job fairs for students
Career Planning and Placement presents Career Days, Oct. 30-Nov. 10, a concentrated collection of career-related events anchored by two career conferences.
Conferences include Graduate and Professional School Day, noon-4 p.m. Thurs (Nov. 2) at the Michigan Union. Students will have the opportunity to gather information from more than 80 advanced degree programs, including business, liberal arts, sciences , social services, communications, international affairs and more.
Job Fair ’95, to be held 1-5 p.m. Nov. 9 in the Michigan Union, makes its debut as the first job conference designed to attract students at all academic levels who seek permanent em ployment, internships or information on career paths.
Programs include:
Career Opportunities with a Liberal Arts Degree
Careers in Consulting
Careers in Media and Communication
Careers in Helping Professions< P>
Women’s Issues in the Job Search
Employer’s Expert Advice for Job Search Success
Beyond Academe: Alternatives for Ph.D.s
Program schedules are available at Career Planning and Placement. for more information, call 76 4-7460 or visit the office at 3200 Student Activities Bldg.