Members of the Council on Continuous Improvement are:
Paula Allen-Meares, School of Social Work dean; Daniel E. Atkins III, School of Information and Library Studies dean; Peter M. Banks, College of Engineering dean; Robert M. Beckley, College of Architecture and Urban Planning dean; Giles G. Bole Jr., Medical School dean; Lee C. Bollinger, Law School dean; Paul C. Boylan, vice provost for the arts and School of Music dean; Garry D. Brewer, School of Natural Resources and Environment dean;
James E. Christenson, director of Plant Operations; Connie Cook, executive assistant to the president; Jon Cosovich, vice president for development; John G. Cross, LS&A associate dean for budget and administration; John H. D’Arms, vice provost for academic affairs; President James J. Duderstadt; Rhetaugh G. Dumas, School of Nursing dean; Dee W. Edington, director of the Division of Kinesiology; Edward M. Gramlich, director of the Institute of Public Policy Studies; Henry Griffin, professor of chemistry and chair of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs;
Walt Harrison, executive director of University Relations; Maureen A. Hartford, vice president for student affairs; Norman G. Herbert, treasurer and investment officer; Robert S. Holbrook, associate vice provost for academic affairs; William C. Kelly, vice president for research; Robert L. Kennedy, vice president for government relations; William B. Krumm, associate vice president for business operations; J. Bernard Machen, School of Dentistry dean;
Chandler W. Matthews, associate vice president for finance and controller; Cecil G. Miskel, School of Education dean; Robert W. Moenart, controller, Financial Operations; Lester Monts, vice provost for academic and multicultural affairs; June E. Osborn, School of Public Health dean; Ara G. Paul, College of Pharmacy dean; Donald E. Riggs, University Library dean; Robert Simpson, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs, U-M-Dearborn; Allen Samuels, School of Art dean; James R. Thiry, assistant vice president for personnel;
Douglas E. Van Houweling, vice provost for information technology; Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr., provost and vice president for academic affairs; B. Joseph White, School of Business Administration dean; Farris W. Womack, vice president and chief financial officer; Victor Wong, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs at U-M-Flint; George D. Zuidema, vice provost for medical affairs.
Members of the Steering Committee, in addition to Whitaker and Womack, are: Allen-Meares, Banks, Christenson, Cross, Hartford and White.
Social Work Prof. John E. Tropman serves as an educational consultant to the Council and Steering Committee. Robert Holmes, assistant vice president for academic affairs and executive adviser for M-Quality, provides staff support for both groups.