By Deborah Gilbert
News and Information Services
U.S. Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio, will be the University’s Alumna-in-Residence, Friday and Saturday (March 26–27).
While here, she will meet with students, faculty and staff at the Institute of Public Policy Studies to discuss international trade issues. She also will attend a lunch hosted by the Student Alumni Council, speak at a seminar for graduate students in urban planning, and visit the Medical Center and the Veterans Administration Medical Center.
Kaptur received a master of arts degree in architecture and urban planning from the U-M in 1974.
Robert Beckley, dean of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, said: “Rep. Kaptur is a shining example of someone who has used her professional planning education as a springboard to address society’s problems. She brings to her job as a member of Congress a professional background few other legislators have.”
Kaptur, who was first elected to Congress in 1982, represents Ohio’s ninth district (Toledo-Lucas County). She currently serves on the House Appropriations Committe. Formerly a member of the House Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Committee, her interests range from veterans affairs and urban planning to the automobile industry.
In 1977, Kaptur served as an urban adviser to President Jimmy Carter. In 1979, she became the first deputy director of the National Cooperative Consumer Bank.
The Alumna-in-Residence program is sponsored by the Alumnae Council of the Alumni Association. It celebrates outstanding U-M alumnae whose personal achievements and enthusiasm for education make them exceptional role models.
For more information, call Jo Rumsey, 763-9709.