Conference focuses on personal and professional development

Registrations are now being accepted for this year’s Workplace of the ’90s conference, which focuses on the theme of “Envision the Future: Understand Empowerment, Embrace Diversity, Build Excellence.” The conference will be held May 24 and repeated May 25 at the Michigan League.

The conference is open to U-M support and administrative staff as well as individuals from area agencies and institutions who are interested in professional and personal development, who want to identify and solve workplace problems at deeper levels, and who seek higher quality in carrying out their missions.

“To move ahead in career and personal development you must cultivate images of what is possible as well as what is desirable,” planners say in their program brochure. “There may be several alternative futures for each employee that depend on individual actions, institutional or corporate actions and societal actions. How those visions are created,” they note, “can be based on an understanding of the influence you hold in particular situations, consideration of the diverse people and processes in place, and a firm commitment to identify and to work toward the highest good.”

The conference also provides members of the University community an opportunity to explore some of the University’s M-Quality concepts and find out about skills that can be developed through participation in M-Quality activities, and to explore other areas of career development.

The 8:30 a.m. opening session will feature presentation of Staff Recognition Awards and a keynote address by Oscar L. Britton of the National Employee Service Center at Ford Motor Co.

Concurrent workshops will be held at 10:30 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

Workshop topics related to the University’s M-Quality initiative include The Seven-Step Quality Improvement Story; Projecting the Best Customer Service in Yourself; Introduction to the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People; Fortune University; The Personal Side of Quality: A Model of Individual Responsibility; Driving Fear Out of the Workplace and Getting Involved with M-Quality (When Your Boss or Department Isn’t).

Those focusing on personal development include Budget with Confidence; Healthy, Fast and Fresh; Effective Speaking; Re-orientation to U-M Benefits; Returning to School; Balancing Work and Family; and Financially Thinking About Your Retirement?

Professional development workshops include A Tour of the Electronic Office: New and Emerging Tools for the Workplace; Assertiveness Skills for the ’90s: First Steps of Empowerment; How to Find and Keep the Job You’ve Always Wanted; Powerful Business Writing; Resume Writing for the ’90s and Effective Speaking.

Also available at the conference will be Care Fair, a display of information about U-M and community resources, agencies and institutions related to such topics as child, elder and family care. Representatives from many area agencies will be on hand to answer questions.

Books on topics related to the theme and suggested by workshop leaders will be available for purchase through the Shaman Drum Bookshop at the conference.

The conference fee is $49 per person and includes lunch. Registrations are limited and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

For information, call 764-5305.


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