Committee named to assist in search for Flint chancellor

By Lew Morrissey

An 11-member search committee to recommend a successor to U-M-Flint Chancellor Clinton B. Jones has been appointed by President James J. Duderstadt.

“Given the importance of this search to the community and the University, nominations for the committee were considered from both inside and outside the Flint campus, and those recommendations were carefully evaluated,” says Constance E. Cook, executive assistant to the president.

The committee includes three community representatives, seven members of the Flint faculty and staff, and one student. It is chaired by Harriet M. Wall, professor of psychology.

Community representatives are Helen B. Harris, executive producer of Prismatic Images, a film and video production company and former member of the Flint Board of Education; Charles M. Weeks, president and CEO, Citizens Banking Corp.; and Kendall B. Williams, an attorney with Gault, Davison, Bowers, Hill, Parker & McAra. Williams is a member of U-M-Flint’s Citizens Advisory Committee; Weeks a former member.

Other members of the group are: Walker Resmire, professor of accounting; Charles A. Jones, associate professor of social work; Douglas E. Miller, associate professor of art and of German; Dansby Tedford, president of the Eduction Student Organization and vice president of the Student Government Council; Suzanne M. Selig, professor of health care and coordinators of the School of Health Professions and Studies; Christine M. Waters, assistant professor of art; and Janice M. Worth, coordinator of the Adult Resource Center and Women’s Center.

“I am especially happy that we have been able to attract such a well-qualified group of people to serve on the search committee,” Duderstadt said. “We are grateful for their willingness to serve, and especially grateful to those members of the Flint community who have volunteered their time and talents.

The committee likely will begin meeting in August. Jones will step down and return to teaching Dec. 31.

“This search is vitally important to the future of the Flint campus, Duderstadt said. “Since it probably will not be possible for the committee to conclude its work before Chancellor’s Jones’ term ends, we may need to appoint an interim chancellor for a short period. If so, we will announce that later this year.”

Cook, as liaison to the President’s Office, and William Webb, Flint’s personnel director, will assist the committee.


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