Clinton’s chief health policy analyst to speak here

Judith Feder, chief health policy analyst with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), will speak about the Clinton health care reform plan at noon April 26 in Heath Auditorium, School of Public Health.

Feder’s talk is part of the University’s FORUM on Health Policy Reform, a two-year series of educational events tracking the health policy reform process. The program draws together graduate and undergraduate students and faculty from a variety of disciplines, including medicine, law, business, public health, nursing, dentistry, and the liberal arts to study and better understand health care reform issues.

Feder will address students, faculty and the general public in her talk titled “The Politics of Health Policy Reform: An Inside View.” Her talk will be followed by a question-and-answer session with a panel of U-M health care experts. She also will take questions from the audience.

Feder, HHS principal assistant secretary for planning and evaluation, has primary responsibility for the development of health care reform. She served as chair of the working groups for the President’s Health Reform Task Force, and as director of the health transition team for the Clinton administration.

The FORUM on Health Policy Reform is sponsored by the Gerald R. Ford Library; the Office of the Vice President for Research; the Office of the Vice Provost for Medical Affairs; U-M-Dearborn’s College of Arts, Sciences and Letters; the Program in Society and Medicine; the School of Nursing; the Medical School; the Law School; the School of Business Administration; and the Medical Affairs Advisory Committee of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs.

U.S. Sens. Carl Levin and Donald Riegle are FORUM honorary co-chairs.


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