“Seven Mondays at Seven,” the 1993 Summer Carillon Recital Series, begins at 7 p.m. June 21 with a program by Ulla Laage, Our Saviour’s Church, Copenhagen, Denmark.
All recitals will include original pieces for carillon, as well as transcriptions and arrangements of familiar works. Listeners will hear everything from Bach to Joplin to exciting modern compositions that highlight the carillon’s special overtone series.
The best listening spot is on the mall between the tower and the Michigan League.
The Baird Carillon, housed in Burton Memorial Tower, is the third heaviest in the world. It boasts 55 bells that range in weight from 12 tons to 22 pounds.
The bells are played from a mechanical-action keyboard, with fists and feet, a centuries-old tradition that allows variation of touch.
The tower room will be open following the recitals so visitors can view the instrument and see how it is played.
Other concerts in the series, all at 7 p.m.: Margo Halsted, U-M, June 28; George Matthew Jr., First Presbyterian Church, Stamford Conn., July 5; Frank DellaPenna, Valley Forge, Pa., July 12; Todd Fair, Old Church Amsterdam and the city of Alkmaar, The Netherlands, July 19; Brian Swager, Indiana University, July 26; and Janet Tebbel, First United Methodist, Germantown Pa., Aug. 2.