Campus safety committee appointed by Cantor, Kasdin

The University Record, May 6, 1998

Campus safety committee appointed by Cantor, Kasdin

By Jane R. Elgass

A 15-member faculty/staff/student Campus Safety and Security Advisory Committee has been appointed by and will report to Provost Nancy Cantor and Robert Kasdin, executive vice president and chief financial officer.

Appointment of an advisory committee was among the recommendations contained in the report of the Task Force on Campus Safety and Security last year. The task force was chaired by Paul C. Boylan, dean of the School of Music and vice provost for the arts.

Chaired by Lisa A. Tedesco, professor and associate dean, School of Dentistry, the committee will serve as a contact point for members of the University community who wish to raise issues regarding safety, security and the prevention of violence, and will advise Cantor and Kasdin on these issues.

The committee also will:

• Review Department of Public Safety (DPS) policies and procedures and annual crime and service data, and advise the DPS director on issues identified in the review.

• Submit an annual report covering issues addressed in the previous year, and prepare other reports as appropriate.

Tedesco said she is “delighted with Provost Nancy Cantor’s and Vice President Robert Kasdin’s very forward-thinking and positive response to the report and its recommendations.

“The emphases in the charge on promoting safety, security and the prevention of violence– violence in any form–are very important for our campus community. We must take actions that show how this charge is part of the Michigan credo.”

Tedesco also praised the leadership provided by the Violence Against Women Task Force and the attention they have been able to draw to the issue. Under the direction of co-chairs Patricia Coleman-Burns, assistant professor of nursing and director of multicultural affairs, School of Nursing, and Daniel G. Saunders, associate professor of social work, the task force has provided “a strong foundation upon which the new committee can build. We will benefit from their leadership as we work to make our community as safe and free of violence as is possible in social, intellectual and physical environments,” Tedesco added.

Other members of the committee are:

Henry D. Baier, director, Occupational Safety and Environmental Health; David A. Betts, personnel representative, Human Resources and Affirmative Action; Virginia S. Chitanda, coordinator, Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center; Cory J. Fryling, undergraduate student;

Donald E. Geister, research scientist and lecturer, departments of Aerospace Engineering and of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics; Lorraine M. Gutierrez, professor of psychology and of social work; Susan W. Kaufmann, associate director, Center for the Education of Women; Edward C. Loyer, assistant university registrar; Les C. Misher, hospital safety coordinator; Daniel G. Saunders;

Izumi Sakamoto, graduate student; Suellyn Scarnecchia, clinical professor of law and associate dean of clinical affairs, Law School; Elizabeth M. Shadigian, clinical assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology; and Mary C. Wright, graduate student.


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