Business, finance recognition program accepting nominations

The University Record, July 10, 1995

Business, finance recognition program accepting nominations

Nominations for the 1995 Business and Finance Distinguished Staff Awards Program are being accepted for staff members in the office, professional/administrative, service maintenance and technical job families. Since 1992, Business and Finance has honored outstanding staff members who make a difference in their departments by their performance, creativity, teamwork or particular outstanding achievement.

Nominations can be made by any faculty, staff or student, but the nominee must work in one of the Business and Finance units. (See list of eligible units.)

Each year, staff chosen by a selection committee receive awards of $500 and recognition during a dinner ceremony.

“The purpose of this program is to recognize exceptional service by our Business and Finance staff members to the University and to the community,” says Farris W. Womack, executive vice president and chief financial officer. “Outstanding achievements will be recognized for those staff members who display ongoing excellence and unusual initiative.”

Nomination forms are available from Human Resources offices, Human Resource Development Office, Financial Operations, Payroll Office, Cashier’s Office, Plant Business Office and Womack’s office. The nomination form, three references and written examples of the nominee’s qualifications for the award should be returned to Sue Burnett, Office of the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, 3014 Fleming Administration Building. no later than July 21.

Womack urges everyone to participate in the nominations.

“The recognition of Business and Finance staff members for exemplary service is very important to our success in meeting your needs.”

Business and Finance units whose staff are eligible for nomination include:

Business Operations:

Architect’s Office

Building Services

Construction Management

Copy Centers

Facilities Planning and Design


Mail Services

Maintenance Services

Occupational Safety & Environmental Health

Parking Services

Photographic Services

Planner’s Office

Plant Extension

Plant Operations

Printing Services

Property Disposition

Purchasing/Stores and Auxiliary Services Safety and Security

Transportation Services

Travel Services


Associate Vice President for Finance:

Cashier’s Office

Cost Reimbursement/Contract


Financial Analysis

Financial Operations


Property Control

Space Analysis

Student Loan Operations

Systems and Bank Cards

Human Resources/Affirmative Action:

Affirmative Action

Benefits Compensation

Employee Relations


Faculty and Staff Assistance Program

Faculty and Staff Records

Human Resource Development

Treasurer’s Office:


Risk Management

University Audits


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