Bulkley will head search committee for SNRE dean

The University Record, June 19, 1995

Bulkley will head search committee for SNRE dean

Jonathan W. Bulkley, professor of resource policy and of civil and environmental engineering, will chair the School of Natural Resources and Environment (SNRE) Dean Search Advisory Committee. The committee will look for a successor to Garry D. Brewer, whose resignation as SNRE dean is effective Aug. 31.

Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr. asked the committee to conduct a national search and present him with an unranked slate of final candidates by winter term, 1996.

Brewer will remain at the U-M as professor of resource policy and management, of business administration and of public policy studies. He also will continue to contribute to the Corporate Environmental Management Program.

Committee members, appointed by the provost, are Jodi Asarch, graduate student; Gary W. Fowler, professor of forestry and of biometry; Robert E. Grese, associate professor of natural resources; Bobbi S. Low, professor of natural resources; Ivette Perfecto, assistant professor of natural resources; Barry G. Rabe, professor of public health policy and administration; and Donald R. Zak, associate professor of natural resources.

Staff support will be provided by Patt DuCharme and E. Kay Dawson will serve as committee liaison to the Office of the Provost. The committee held its first meeting June 14.


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