Oct. 2 is the deadline for applications for the third round of funding of the Career Development Fund for Women Faculty, which is part of the implementation of the Michigan Agenda for Women.
The fund is supported by the Presidential Initiatives Fund and provides discretionary accounts of $5,000 each. Its creation recognizes the disproportionate share of service commitments carried by women faculty.
In calling for applications, Associate Provost Susan L. Lipschutz notes that studies have shown “that because 20 percent of the total tenured and tenure-track faculty at the U-M are women, they often carry disproportionate commitments for student advising; department, college and University committees; dissertation committees; program development; conference planning; and professional and other service to the University and wider communities.
“While we are glad to see women increasingly represented on committees,” Lipschutz notes, “we also believe that the University must respond to these disproportionate service responsibilities.”
The funds may be used to support graduate students, travel, books, computers or other discretionary purchases relating to scholarship, research or creative activity.
Criteria for awarding the funds include both scholarly and service records. “Service” is defined very broadly as “any professionally related activities, including especially demanding teaching assignments, that draw the applicant away from her scholarly or creative agenda.”
Up to 40 recipients will be selected by faculty panel. Only tenured and tenure-track faculty on the Ann Arbor campus (instructors and assistant, associate, and full professors with an 80 percent or greater appointment) are eligible. Previous winners are not eligible to apply, nor are faculty being considered for tenure in 1995–96.
Recipients will be announced no later than Oct. 31. Unlike prior years, there will be only one competition this year.
Application materials are available from Lipschutz’s office, 3052 Fleming Administration Building 1340. Those with questions about the competition may call Lipschutz at 764-0151.