Advisory committee named for Cancer Center director search


Medical School Dean Dr. James Woolliscroft has named a search advisory committee in the search for director of the Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Dr. Carol R. Bradford, Charles J. Krause Collegiate Professor of Otolaryngology and chair of the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, will chair the committee charged with conducting a national search with a goal of having a new leader in mid-2014.

Other members of the committee are:

• Dr. John Z. Ayanian, director of the Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation; professor of internal medicine, health management and policy, and public policy.

• Matthew A. Bazzani, chief administrator, Department of Family Medicine.

• Dr. John M. Carethers, John G. Searle Professor and chair of the Department of Internal Medicine.

• Dr. Valerie P. Castle, Ravitz Foundation Professor and chair of the Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases.

• Dr. Andrzej A. Dlugosz, Poth Professor of Cutaneous Oncology; professor of dermatology, and cell and developmental biology.

• Shon A. Dwyer, associate hospital director for operations and clinical services; chief administrative officer for surgical services in the Office of the Chief Operating Officer.

• Dr. Daniel F. Hayes, Stuart B. Padnos Professor of Breast Cancer Research; clinical director o the Breast Oncology Program; professor of internal medicine.

• Dr. Maha Hussain, Cis Maisel Professor of Oncology; professor of medicine and urology; associate director for clinical research in the Comprehensive Cancer Center; co-leader of the Prostate Cancer Program.

• Dr. Michael W. Mulholland, Frederick A. Coller Distinguished Professor and chair of the Department of Surgery.

• Dr. Lori Pierce, vice provost for academic and faculty affairs; professor of radiation oncology.

• Louise Salamin, nurse manager in the Comprehensive Cancer Center.

• Carolyn Moceri (staff support), project manager, Office of the Dean of the Medical School

In a recent email to faculty and staff at the U-M Health System, Woolliscroft wrote that Dr. Max S. Wicha would step down as director of the Comprehensive Cancer Center once a new leader is named.

Wicha founded the cancer center 27 years ago. He will continue to maintain his laboratory research and clinical practice seeing patients with breast cancer.

To recommend candidates or ask a question of the search committee, contact Carolyn Moceri at [email protected] or 734-936-9872 by Dec. 20.


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