Christopher Friese
Kate Davy
Lisa Kane Low is president-elect of the American College of Nurse Midwives. Kane Low is an associate professor at the School of Nursing, member of the Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation, Women’s Studies Department, and the Health System’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She will take office in June 2015 and become president in May 2016.
Christopher R. Friese has been selected for the Oncology Nursing Society 2015 Rose Mary Carroll-Johnson Distinguished Award for Consistent Contribution to the Nursing Literature. The award recognizes his impact on oncology nursing through his high-quality research publications, his dissemination of findings for policymakers and practitioners, and his efforts to support the professional development of colleagues. Friese is an assistant professor and assistant research scientist at the School of Nursing. He will receive the award at the opening ceremony of the ONS 40th Annual Congress April 23.
Kate Davy, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, is the recipient of the 2015 Leader of Change Award. The award recognizes individuals whose efforts have resulted in significant impact in their institutions and beyond. It is conferred by the Network for Change and Continuous Innovation: Higher Education’s Network for Change Leadership.
The current issue of the ISI Journal of English for Academic Purposes is devoted to an assessment of the importance of John M. Swales’ book “Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings,” published by Cambridge University Press 25 years ago. The book, reprinted many times, has impacted other fields such as Composition and Information Science, and is the most cited work in the history of English for Academic Purposes. Swales is professor emeritus of linguistics and was director of the English Language Institute from 1985-2001.