Hodges to receive Johnson staff award

Described as a “humanistic spark plug” and an “unfailing source of good will for the university,” Patricia Hodges has been named the 2009 recipient of the Candace J. Johnson Staff Award for Excellence.

Hodges, executive assistant to the dean in the School of Art & Design will receive the award during a ceremony 4-5 p.m. Jan. 26 at A&D.

“(Hodges) continues to be the humanistic spark plug for the School of Art & Design, and to contribute in ever expanding ways throughout the university,” A&D Dean Bryan Rogers wrote in a nomination letter.

“Even more remarkable is her unfailing grace, patience, good will and humor — all of which make her invaluable, irreplaceable and, in my opinion, an ideal candidate.”

The honor was established in 2004 as a memorial to Johnson, a dedicated staff member from the Office of the Provost who died in 2003. The provost’s office created the award to recognize staff members on campus who, like Johnson, have a positive influence in the workplace through their professionalism and personality.

“The university was named a ‘Great College to Work For’ by the Chronicle of Higher Education. People like Pat Hodges have done a great deal to help us achieve this recognition,” says Teresa Sullivan, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs. “On a daily basis Pat brings intelligence, imagination and good humor to the work of the university. We are pleased to recognize her contributions by presenting her with the Candace J. Johnson Staff Award for Excellence.”

Hodges has worked at U-M for 22 years, and at A&D for the last five years. A nomination letter describes her as “the administrator with a hand in every project; the go-to person for staff, faculty and students; the starting point for solving any problem, addressing any issue, answering any question, organizing any task.”

She is lauded for meeting deadlines without compromising quality and handling multiple projects, such as creating A&D’s first-ever Faculty Handbook, providing orientation sessions for lecturers and managing administrative aspects of the tenure and promotion reviews for three faculty members.

“Pat Hodges has remarkable radar for detecting when others need help and she provides that help without hesitation and, most often, without overt thanks,” Rogers wrote. “She is one of those people who is simply good at heart and who wants others to succeed.

“Providing comfort and practical counsel to staff, faculty and visitors is one of her greatest strengths. Her innate senses of compassion, humor and intelligence defuse volatile situations, and on a day-to-day basis make (A&D) a good place to be.”

More online

For more information on the Candace J. Johnson Staff Award for Excellence, go to www.umich.edu/~hraa/cjjaward


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