Faculty Senate accepts opinion pieces
This year, the Faculty Perspectives page in The University Record will highlight the work of several of the committees of the Faculty Senate and the work of faculty governance through the three campuses of the University of Michigan.
The committees of the University Senate Assembly fulfill a regentally specified function: “. . . to advise and consult with the vice presidents of the university on matters within the areas of their respective responsibilities.” (Bylaw 4.06)
It is through the committees of the Faculty Senate Assembly that the detailed conversations between the senior officers of the university and the representative members of faculty governance take place. Each of these committees includes a SACUA member who serves as liaison between the committee and the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs.
The Faculty Perspectives Editorial Board is nominated by SACUA and its members approved by the Senate Assembly annually. The board is taking on the challenge of familiarizing the faculty at large with the critical (although less visible) venues of faculty governance.
This year, the board will invite submissions from several committee chairs and from the chairs of the Dearborn Faculty Senate and the Flint Faculty Council. It is our hope that you will find these essays provide a greater understanding of the vision and mission of faculty governance at the University of Michigan. We will continue to accept opinion pieces from faculty members throughout the university.
The Faculty Perspectives page is an outlet for faculty expression provided by the Senate Assembly. Prospective contributors are invited to contact the Faculty Perspectives Page Committee at faculty.perspectives. [email protected]. The chair this year is Bob Fraser. Submissions are accepted in electronic form and are subject to review by the committee. Essay lengths are restricted to one full printed page in The University Record, or about 1,500 words.