
Rodney C. Ewing, Edward H. Kraus Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, has been named chair of the federal Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board. The board was established to provide objective expert advice to Congress and the Secretary of Energy on technical issues and to review the technical validity of Department of Energy activities related to implementing the Nuclear Waste Policy Act.

Michelle Wynn, doctoral candidate in Bioinformatics, has been chosen as one of 10 recipients of the James S. McDonnell Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards in Studying Complex Systems. Wynn is a graduate student in the Sofia Merajver and Santiago Schnell laboratories. Her research focuses on developing models of breast cancer signaling and metabolism. The fellowship provides $200,000 for two years of post-doctoral research.

Dr. Matthew Boulton, associate professor of epidemiology and health management and policy at the School of Public Health (SPH), is recipient of the ASPH/Pfizer Faculty Award for Excellence in Academic Public Health Practice. Boulton was the first associate dean for practice and founded the school’s Office of Public Health Practice, which has sent more than 400 SPH students on domestic and international practice deployments often led by Boulton.

Dana Dolinoy, John G. Searle Assistant Professor of Environmental Health Sciences at the School of Public Health, is recipient of the ASPH/Pfizer Young Investigator’s Research Award for her article, “An Expression Microarray Approach for the Identification of Metastable Epialleles in the Mouse Genome.”  Dolinoy was cited for her model approach that may allow for directly assessing the role of early environmental exposures in human adult disease.


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