U-M among the Princeton Review’s 322 Green Colleges

The university was recognized for its commitment to sustainability in the 2012 edition of the Princeton Review’s Guide to 322 Green Colleges released April 17.

Presented in partnership with the U.S. Green Building Council, the book profiles 322 institutions of higher education that demonstrate a strong commitment to sustainability in their academic offerings, campus infrastructure, activities and career preparation.

This is the third year the university has been included in the guide.

Highlighted university’s achievements supportive of creating a more sustainable campus include:

❙ President Mary Sue Coleman’s September 2011 announcement, which addressed sustainability in education, research and operations, and put forth goals for campus.

❙ Creation of, and operational initiatives developed by, the Office of Campus Sustainability.

❙ A 12 percent energy use reduction in 44 buildings through the Planet Blue program.

❙ Active student groups involved with sustainability, including Students for Sustainability.

❙ Student engagement in course projects for “Sustainability and the Campus,” which orchestrated a zero-waste athletic event and produced the first edition of the “Be a Green Wolverine” student guide.

❙ The Graham Sustainability Institute as the collaborative partnership of schools, colleges and units at the university to create and disseminate knowledge and to offer solutions related to complex sustainability issues.

❙ Establishment of the Michigan Clean Energy Venture Challenge with DTE Energy designed to enable students to present entrepreneurial ideas for clean energy solutions and put them into action.

Earlier this month, the university scored a Silver rating by the Sustainability Tracking and Assessment Rating System, and received Silver LEED certification for the C.S. Mott Children’s and Von Voigtlander Women’s Hospitals. This is the third building on campus to receive LEED certification. The Samuel T. Dana Building in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment is Gold certified, and the Stephen M. Ross School of Business Building is Silver certified.


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