Mazumder honored with Distinguished University Innovator Award

Jyotirmoy Mazumder has been selected to receive the Distinguished University Innovator Award for 2012. The award honors faculty who have made important and lasting contributions to society by developing novel ideas and insights through their research and then translating them to practice.

Mazumder is the Robert H. Lurie Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering, and also is director of the Center for Laser-Aided Intelligent Manufacturing. He is being honored for his pioneering work in the use of lasers in materials processing.

Among his many achievements, Mazumder developed and patented a technology for quickly fabricating metal parts directly from a computer-aided design by building up layers of metal deposits pixel by pixel. He founded POM Group Inc. to bring this “direct metal deposition” technology to the marketplace, and it is now in use in a variety of universities, national laboratories and industries around the world.

Other work in his laboratory has led to advances in such areas as laser welding, laser micromachining and diagnostic techniques for identifying solid-state microstructure during processing. Patents he has received for his work have not only been licensed directly to industry, but also formed the basis for two companies he started up in addition to POM Group.

“Jyoti Mazumder’s contributions arise directly from the rigor of his research on the nature of laser interactions with materials,” says Stephen Forrest, vice president for research. “His work is an excellent demonstration of how basic scientific research can benefit society through important applications in areas of such practical and strategic importance as advanced manufacturing.”

Established in 2007, the Distinguished University Innovator Award is chosen by the vice president for research on the recommendation of a faculty selection committee, which reviews the pool of nominees each year. The recipient receives a $5,000 award, and is honored in a public ceremony. After the presentation, the recipient delivers a lecture focusing on the innovative work that led to the award.

The date for this year’s award ceremony and lecture will be announced shortly. More information about the award is available at


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