Regents approve new School of Nursing building project

The Board of Regents on March 15 approved construction of a new School of Nursing building with approximately 75,000 gross square feet to accommodate instructional spaces, a clinical learning center with simulation and skill labs, and simulated patient suites in an environment that will foster collaboration and community.

The new building also will include space for a small number of faculty offices and limited administrative functions. The proposed building site is near the existing School of Nursing building.

While the new building is expected to fulfill greatly needed expansion space that supports the school’s contemporary educational needs, the existing building will continue to be used for individual offices, small classrooms and research space. With the growth in academic and research programs and increases in student enrollment, the school anticipates adding approximately 40 faculty and staff members in the coming years.

The estimated cost of the new building project is $50 million. The architectural firm of RDG Planning and Design will design the project, with the design phase scheduled to begin immediately.

“This new learning center will be state-of-the art, reflective of our top-ranked, world-class standing as a School of Nursing,” School of Nursing Dean Kathleen Potempa says. “This facility will provide state-of-the-science-and-art learning technologies and methods, including a wide range of fidelity simulation experiences, as well as individual interactive platforms to enhance student engagement in the curriculum, in our research activity, and in practice environments.”

The School of Nursing currently is housed in the School of Nursing Building, 400 N. Ingalls St. It was constructed in 1913 for use as a hospital and purchased by the university in 1977.


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