Plans for Fuller Road Station put on hold

The university and city of Ann Arbor jointly have decided to set aside plans for the Fuller Road Station and parking facilities as presently designed.

Fuller Road Station and parking facilities were scheduled to be built near the corner of Fuller Road and East Medical Center Drive, adjacent to the main medical campus.

University officials stated that the vision for a multi-modal facility, including a train station, at that location remains important to both the city and university.

At this time, both parties have decided to wait until federal funding sources for rail track sidings and station construction are more imminent to redesign a facility and restructure any potential joint use agreement.

While long-term planning for the Fuller Road Intermodal Station project will continue, the university must address the significant need for parking as employment and patient activity continues to grow at the U-M Health System.

Parking & Transportation Services already has begun exploring alternative options to meet the demand.

To read the full statement from U-M and the city of Ann Arbor go to


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