Old school: U-M in History

Honoring Ford

Former president Gerald Ford appears at the 1994 Michigan-Michigan State game at the Big House to retire his U-M football jersey. Ford was a center on the team from 1932-34.

This month in history (16 years ago)

In his Wallenberg Lecture, Per Anger, a Swedish diplomat in Budapest during World War II, said he last saw Raoul Wallenberg in January 1945, as both evaded Nazi troops. “I told him to hide because they were searching for him … He said, ‘I could never go back (to Sweden) without knowing I have done everything I can to save all the people I can.’ And so he was arrested.” A 1935 U-M graduate, Wallenberg is credited with saving thousands of Jews in Hungary before his arrest and disappearance. — The University Record and The Wallenberg Medal & Lecture website.

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