University launches new Compliance Resource Center website

A new Compliance Resource Center website now provides faculty and staff with a comprehensive overview of the university’s legislative and regulatory compliance obligations.

Because of the complex nature of the university’s work, compliance requirements intersect with individual activities and roles in different ways. To address these complexities, the new Compliance Resource Center website offers practical information about many compliance topics and identifies contacts who can answer questions from university employees about compliance.

Employees also can find summaries of compliance information based on their role at the university (e.g., faculty, staff, researcher or manager).

The Compliance Resource Center website was developed by the Office of the General Counsel over the past year, with the aim of drawing together existing expertise and information in a systematic way.

“U-M has an extensive and well-established infrastructure for managing compliance, with many dedicated experts,” says Suellyn Scarnecchia, vice president and general counsel. “These experts have worked with us to develop a single compliance road map that highlights key information and contacts in all the regulatory areas that our faculty and staff encounter.”

“We also want to remind employees about the university’s Compliance Hotline, which has been in existence for several years. It includes a website and a dedicated toll-free phone number that are available to the entire university community for reporting potential concerns about financial, regulatory, NCAA and patient safety issues,” says Tim Slottow, executive vice president and chief financial officer.

The Hotline, as in the past, does not replace any existing channels for reporting problems — such as through supervisors or managers, or through any of the university’s specialized compliance departments. It is another option for reporting concerns, including when employees wish to remain anonymous.

The Compliance Hotline website also contains a list of frequently asked questions and information about the reporting process.

“For Health System employees, the UMHS Compliance Office remains the primary contact for compliance information and questions. For reporting issues, the U-M Compliance Hotline phone number and website can also be used,” says Dr. Ora Pescovitz, executive vice president for medical affairs.

“We want to thank faculty and staff for their continued support of the university’s compliance efforts and encourage them to take advantage of the many tools and resources available on the new Compliance Resource Center website,” says Phil Hanlon, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs.

Employees with questions about compliance at the university can e-mail [email protected].


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