Rademacher named associate athletic director

Rob Rademacher has been promoted to the position of associate athletic director, effective July 1, Athletic Director Dave Brandon announced. Rademacher replaces Mike Stevenson, who will retire from his post Dec. 31 after a 40-year career at U-M.

“Since I have been in this position, I have watched a sharp, hard-working young man take every responsibility head on,” Brandon says. “From the Michigan Stadium renovation to the 2010 commencement ceremonies with President Obama, Rob has been a more-than-valuable asset to our athletic department and to the University of Michigan. I couldn’t think of anyone better for this position than Rob Rademacher.”

Rademacher, currently assistant athletic director, says he looks forward to the new job.

“I have had the privilege of working at the University of Michigan for 15 years with Mike Stevenson and am honored to follow in his footsteps,” Rademacher says. “Mike has taught me a lot during that time and I plan to continue the high standards he has set.” 

Rademacher, originally from North Babylon, N.Y., first came to Michigan in 1994 as an intern with U-M Recreation Sports. He was an assistant director of Recreation Sports from 1995-98 before becoming facilities manager in 1998 of Schembechler Hall, Oosterbaan Fieldhouse, Fisher Stadium, Ferry Field and Alumni Field. In 2000 Rademacher was named director of facilities for U-M Athletics, overseeing all athletic facilities as well as game operations for football, men’s basketball and ice hockey and has held the position for the last ten years. In 2004, he was promoted to assistant athletic director. 

Rademacher holds a bachelors degree in physical education from SUNY-Cortland and a master’s degree in recreation administration from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.


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