The University Record, May 21, 1996
13 receive emeritus status
Thirteen University of Michigan faculty members were given the emeritus title by the Regents.
Those retiring are David D. Bien, professor of history; Richmond H. Browne, professor of music (theory); Edward M. Chudacoff, professor of music (theory); Hubert M. English Jr., professor of English; Albert Feuerwerker, the A.M. and H.P. Bentley Professor of History; Monroe Z. Hafter, professor of Spanish;
Jerome M. Jelinek, professor of music (cello); Gustav Meier, professor of conducting; Richard W. Morshead, professor and former dean of education, U-M-Dearborn; Donald J. Munro, professor of philosophy and of Chinese; Rosalyn Saltz, professor of education, U-M-Dearborn; Daniel G. Sayles, associate professor of education, U-M-Dearborn; and Tseng-Ying Tien, professor of materials engineering.
Bien, who joined the faculty in 1967, is “an expert on the history in the 18th century and the French Revolution and is one of the few American historians whose work has had as major an impact on French and European scholarship as on that of other Americans,” the Regents noted. “The only person to have twice been awarded the William Koren Prize of the Society for French Historical Studies (in 1958 and 1978), Prof. Bien has also received numerus other awards and fellowships. He has served as chair of the Department of History.”
Prof. Browne, a faculty member since 1968, was “a provocative teacher of basic musicianship, counterpoint, orchestration, form and analysis. In the School of Music, he was a member of the Council of Departmental Representatives and of the Faculty Council on Graduate Studies. He also served as a member of the University Senate Assembly and the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, as well as on various committees of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies.”
Chudacoff, whose professorial appointment at Michigan began in 1965, “has long been acknowledged as one of the most sensitive and deeply committed teachers of music theory,” the Regents noted. “In addition, he has an especially strong record of service to both the School of Music and to the University. He has been a member/officer of the Affirmative Action Committee, Council of Departmental Representatives, Long Range Planning Committee, Michigan Music Teachers Association, Sc hool of Music Executive Committee and others.”
English, who joined the U-M faculty in 1954, has taught “a wide variety of courses on the literature of English renaissance and 17th century, ranging from Old English to poetry of the 19th and 20th centuries. He has also taught courses on the history of the English language, literary criticism, and the teaching of rhetoric and composition. The regard for the sense and rhythm in words that made him an effective editor served equally well in a rather different undertaking, writi ng test questions for the Educational Testing Service.”
Feuerwerker, who joined the faculty in 1959, served as chair of the Department of History in 1984–87 and founded and directed the Center for Chinese Studies. “He has had a formidable scholarly presence in the China field,” the Regents said. “He was among those most active in reestablishing scholarly ties with academic institutions in the People’s Republic of China in the late 1970s and 1980s. More recently, his studies of China’s economic system in the late empire and the first half of the 20th century have become required texts for all advanced students of Chinese history and the baseline for further study.”
Hafter, who joined the faculty in 1960, is “an internationally acknowledged specialist in a broad range of Spanish writers and literary genres. He has served the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures and the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts in a variety of capacities. For a number of years, he was the head of the Spanish section and graduate adviser for Spanish. However, his most significant and distinctive contribution has been in under graduate academic advising, in which he was honored by receiving a Ruth M. Sinclair Award in 1987.”
Jelinek, who joined the faculty in 1961, is “an experienced orchestral musician and recitalist and he kept a special interest in chamber music. He served as cellist in the Stanley Quartet in 1961–74, in the American Trio in 1976–84 , and from 1972 to the present, as partner in the Jelinek-Gurt Duo. Another special interest has been the performance of music of his own time, and several recordings of music by Bassett, Bolcom, Finney and Lannaconne are important testimonials to that commit ment.”
Meier joined the faculty in 1976 and “his arrival ushered in a thrilling new era of symphonic excellence at the U-M, when performances by the University Symphony Orchestra became highlights on the School of Music concert calendar. With his reputation as one of the principal teachers of orchestral conducting in the world, since 1980 he also has served as coordinator of the conducting program at the Tanglewood Music Center, home of the one of the world’s most sought-after and highly visible conducting seminars.”
Morshead, who joined the U-M-Dearborn faculty in 1964, also served as chair of the Program in Education (1969 –73), associate dean of the Division of Education (1973–83) and dean of the School of Education (1983–89). “It was under Prof. Morshead’s leadership that the small program in education developed into the School of Education, expanded its program offerings, and received approval to offer a master’s degree. The program in early childhood education, a training program in corporate staff development, and a service program for preparing community college instructors for teaching were all created under his leadership.”
Munro, who joined the faculty in 1964, is “a classicist in Chinese studies, who also writes and teaches on modern China, following those threads of teachings from imperial dynasties that endure in the present. In this connection, his interests are as congenial with a social scientist specializing in contemporary China as they are with those of a literature specialist. Prof. Munro was trained in Western philosophy and sinology and has minimized disciplinary boundaries in his work on Chinese philosophy. He takes pride in establishing and maintaining close personal and scholarly ties with colleagues at Beijing University and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.”
Saltz joined the U-M-Dearborn faculty in 1970 and “her interest in early childhood began with a study of the influence of foster grandparents in early childhood settings. Later, this interest led her to the National Science Foundation Cooperative Science Project for foster grandparenting in day care centers. The outstanding reputation enjoyed by the U-M-Dearborn’s early childhood program can be largely attributed to Prof. Saltz’ leadership in the field of early child hood and in the training of early childhood teachers.”
Sayles, who joined the U-M-Dearborn faculty in 1966, was “instrumental in the development of the fledgling Department of Education, helping to plan and teach its first courses. One of his contributions was the development of the field placement component of the teacher training program, which is now an often-copied model. He initiated the Learning Center in 1972 after several years of informally assisting students with study skills and reading improvement classes. He served as the director of the University-wide center from its beginning in 1972 until his retirement this year.”
Tien, who joined the faculty in 1966, is “a fellow of the American Ceramic Society and was twice honored with out standing paper awards by its Electronic Division. His pioneering work in advanced ceramics provided crucial insight into the phase equilibrium of multiphase ceramic systems and had an immediate and lasting impact on the development of technologically enabling materials. This research has resulted in 19 patents. He is widely regarded as one of the world’s foremost ceramists.”