Police beat


Restaurant robbery suspect arrested

Joseph Williams, 25, of Ypsilanti was arrested Jan. 21 in connection with a robbery that occurred earlier that day at the McDonald’s restaurant in Pierpont Commons. Williams, who remains in jail, has been charged with unarmed robbery, a 15-year felony, and larceny from a person, a 10-year felony. His preliminary exam is scheduled for Feb. 17. Williams is not affiliated with the University.

McDonald’s staff reported to Department of Public Safety (DPS) officers that a man had jumped over the counter and announced a stick-up. No weapon was seen and no one was injured in the incident. The man fled with an undetermined amount of cash. Following up on tips, police arrested Williams at his residence without incident. His bond is set at $100,000 or 10 percent.

DPS officials warn of identity theft attempts

DPS officers have worked with several University members who have received unsolicited e-mails or telephone calls trying to elicit personal information, such as credit card numbers and social security numbers. In one incident, an e-mail was sent to University personnel claiming to be a credit card security department and warning that the recipients’ credit cards had been used fraudulently. The message asked the recipients to provide credit card information to confirm receipt.

Anyone who receives an unsolicited request from a credit card company for personal information should be suspicious, as this is not a standard practice of credit card security departments and can result in identity theft. Immediately call the credit card company to lodge a complaint and then file a police report with local authorities.

No property lost in four burglaries

Four burglaries were reported to DPS in January, though no property is missing. Staff with the Children’s Center at 400 N. Ingalls reported a padlock on a storage shed had been damaged and removed. A staff member at the Stearns Building reported Jan. 13 that a window lock had been pried open, but nothing appeared missing from the School of Music.

A Mary Markley Hall resident reported to DPS ‘Jan. 18 that she awoke to find another student sleeping in her room. She woke him up and ordered him out of her room.

Investigation of a fourth burglary report concluded that two hallmates in Bursley Hall had been involved in a series of pranks against each other. The police report of Jan. 18 was closed after one student returned a coat he had removed from the other student’s room. No criminal charges will be sought.

Assault halted by alert bus driver

A U-M bus driver alerted police that an assault was in progress Jan. 8 in the Baits parking lot on North Campus. The driver then yelled at the assailant to stop. When police arrived on the scene, they arrested the suspect on assault charges. The victim did not seek medical treatment for injuries.

Two students arrested after jumping on a cab

Chad Teven, 19, of Northbrook, Ill., and David Arnstein, 18, of Roslyn, N.Y., have been remanded to the 15th District Court on misdemeanor vandalism charges in connection with an incident Oct. 2. The two are accused of jumping on a taxi cab and causing damages of more than $1,000 but less than $20,000.

Visitor accused of fondling

A visiting high school student has been referred to juvenile authorities in connection with an incident that occurred Jan. 18 in Angell Hall. DPS received a criminal sexual conduct report that a visiting high school student had been touched inappropriately by the suspect while both were attending a campus event. The suspect was interviewed and turned over to his parents.

January 2004 crime map>


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