Editor’s Note: The following actions were taken by the Regents at their July meeting.
By Jane R. Elgass
Administrative appointments
Stephen W. Director, professor of electrical engineering and computer science, was reappointed the Robert J. Vlasic Dean of Engineering in the College of Engineering, effective July 1, 2001–June 30, 2006.
Robert Jon Feigal, the Samuel D. Harris Collegiate Professor of Dentistry, professor of dentistry and interim associate dean for academic affairs, was appointed associate dean for graduate programs and facilities in the School of Dentistry, effective July 1, 2000–June 30, 2003.
John B. Godfrey, special assistant to the provost, was appointed assistant dean for international education in the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, effective Aug. 1, 2000–July 31, 2005.
June M. Howard, associate professor of English language and literature, was appointed associate dean for interdisciplinary initiatives in the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, effective Sept. 1, 2000–Aug. 31, 2003.
Henry O. Meares was reappointed assistant dean in the School of Education, effective Aug. 2, 2000–July 31, 2003.
Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar, the Jean and Charles R. Walgreen Jr. Professor of Reading and Literacy and professor of education, was reappointed associate dean in the School of Education, effective Sept. 1, 2000–Aug. 31, 2002.
Paul R. Pintrich, professor of education and of psychology, was reappointed associate dean in the School of Education, effective Sept. 1, 2000–Aug. 31, 2001.
Mary Schmidt, associate head of the School of Art at Carnegie Mellon University, was appointed assistant dean for academic programs and student affairs in the School of Art and Design, effective July 1, 2000–June 30, 2005.
Beverly D. Ulrich, director of the Division of Kinesiology and professor of kinesiology, was appointed dean of the Division, effective Aug. 1, 2000–Dec. 31, 2003.
Karen L. Wolff was appointed dean of the School of Music, professor of music and the Paul Boylan Collegiate Professor of Music, effective Aug. 1, 2000, for a five-year renewable term.
Named and titled professorships
Judith Omans Becker
Becker will be the Glenn McGeoch Collegiate Professor of Music, effective Sept. 1, 2000–May 31, 2005. She also is professor of music (musicology).
Becker has gone “from strength to strength in a career that has propelled her to the first rank of ethnomusicologists in the nation and internationally,” said James M. Borders, associate dean of the School of Music. “She is the author of four books on the music of Java written from an anthropological perspective, numerous chapters in other books, and dozens of articles published in the most prestigious musicology journals in the United States and abroad. She has been highly influential in the affairs of the Society of Ethnomusicology, holding several advisory, editorial and executive offices in the Society.”
Jonathan W. Bulkley
Bulkley was named the Peter M. Wege Professor of Sustainable Systems in the School of Natural Resources and Environment, effective Sept. 1, 2000–May 31, 2005. He also is professor of resource policy and of civil and environmental engineering.
Bulkley “has undertaken research and worked at the local, regional, state, national and international levels on issues applicable to environmental sustainability,” said Daniel A. Mazmanian, dean of the School of Natural Resources and Environment. “Since 1978, he has served as a special master and a monitor for the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Michigan, on water pollution cases arising from the Clean Water Act. He has represented the University as a delegate to the Universities Council on Water Resources for more than 25 years. His international research activities have focused upon water resources planning and management in the Great Lakes, as well as in Chile, England and China.”
Stephen Darwall
Darwall was named the John Dewey Collegiate Professor of Philosophy, effective Sept. 1, 2000–Aug. 31, 2005. He also is professor of philosophy and chair of the Department of Philosophy.
“An internationally renowned scholar, Prof. Darwall is a leading thinker in the foundation of ethics and the history of ethics,” said Shirley Neuman, LS&A dean. “Many referees describe him as playing an influential role in setting the agenda in both subjects. He is widely acknowledged to have raised the standards in each of these fields through the application of insights and methods drawn from the other. In addition to his unusually broad research program, he has published important papers on political philosophy and human well-being, the latter of which involves interdisciplinary work in the psychology of the emotions.”
Izak Duenyas
Duenyas will be the John Psarouthakis Research Professor of Manufacturing Management, effective Sept. 1, 2000–May 31, 2002. He also is associate professor of operations management.
“Duenyas’ research is focused on operations management problems that are of significant industrial relevance, particularly in developing analytical models of manufacturing systems that managers can use to develop insights into the main tradeoffs that they face,” said B. Joseph White, dean of the School of Business Administration. “His particular strength, and what sets him apart, is his ability to interact with industrial sponsors, distill important problems from these interactions, and rigorously analyze them while maintaining an allegiance to the problem, instead of to analytical tractability as an end unto itself. His research record is described by colleagues as superb, important, exceptional and path-breaking.”
Timothy L. Fort
Fort will be the Bank One Corporation Assistant Professor of Business Administration, effective Sept. 1, 2000–May 31, 2001. He also is assistant professor of business law.
Fort is “a very promising scholar working in interesting and path-breaking areas of business and ethics,” White said. “His early work focuses on the idea that business is a mediating institution which must be designed to foster small communities of employees within a corporation that emphasize the relationship of self-interest to the common good. Companion to this research stream is the focus on creation of corporate codes of conduct and business ethics. A third research stream has grown out of this early work: the intersection of e-commerce and international issues requiring a code of ethics and practices attuned to the cultural, often religious, differences around the world.”
Zeynep Gurhan
Gurhan will be the Sanford R. Robertson Assistant Professor of Business Administration, effective Sept. 1, 2000–May 31, 2001. He also is assistant professor of marketing.
Gurhan “is one of our most promising junior scholars, who is working in the areas of consumer information processing, particularly how consumers process new information in relation to existing information about brands and country of origin,” White said. “She has a solid list of works in progress and publications in top quality journals. She is a frequent presenter at national professional conferences. She is an excellent teacher in our degree programs, earning ratings in the high 4.0s on a 5.0 scale.”
Philip J. Hanlon
Hanlon will be the Donald J. Lewis Collegiate Professor of Mathematics, effective Sept. 1, 2000–Aug. 31, 2005. He also is professor of mathematics.
“Highly regarded in the mathematics community, Prof. Hanlon has receive many honors, including a National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award, a Sloan Fellowship and a Guggenheim Fellowship—an award that few mathematicians receive,” Neuman said. “Prof. Hanlon has been a world leader in the field of algebraic combinatorics doing work that is both deep and influential. He has recently branched out, expanding his research program by working with the Burke/Miller group in the University’s Medical School on computational genetics, and with a group of computer scientists at North Carolina State University which has led to at least one significant result. The level at which Hanlon pursues interdisciplinary research is unique among core mathematicians in the department.”
Donald J. Herzog
Herzog was appointed the Edson R. Sunderland Professor of Law, effective Sept. 1, 2000 for a five-year renewable term. He also is professor of law and of political science.
“Prof. Herzog is a leading scholar of democratic theory,” Jeffrey Lehman, dean of the Law School, noted. “His works include Without Foundation: Justification in Political Theory, Happy Slaves: A Critique of Consent Theory and Poisoning the Minds of Lower Orders, in addition to numerous essays and articles. He teaches courses in moral, legal and social theory, constitutional interpretation and the First Amendment. During his career at Michigan, Prof. Herzog has been awarded numerous prizes and fellowships for his scholarship and for his teaching.”
Donald S. Lopez Jr.
Lopez was named the Carl W. Belser Collegiate Professor of Buddhist and Tibetan Studies, effective Sept. 1, 2000–Aug. 31, 2005. He also is Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, professor of Buddhist and Tibetan Studies and chair, Department of Asian Languages and Cultures.
“Prof. Lopez specializes in late Indian Mahayana Buddhism and in Tibetan Buddhism,” Neuman noted. “In addition to numerous articles, he is the author of Elaborations on Emptiness: Uses of the Heart Sutra (1966), Prisoners of Shangri-La: Tibetan Buddhism and the West (1999), Buddhism (1999) and Buddhism and Science: A Historical Critique (forthcoming). His edited volumes include Curators of the Buddha: The Study of Buddhism Under Colonialism (1995), Asian Religions in Practice: An Introduction (1999), Modern Buddhism (forthcoming), and Buddhist Scriptures (forthcoming). He is currently working on The Madman’s Middle Way: A Translation and Study of Nagarjuna’s Intentional Adorned, a controversial work on Madhyamaka by dGe’dun Chos ‘phel (1903–1951).”
William S. Lovejoy
Lovejoy was named the Raymond T. J. Perring Family Professor in Business Administration, effective Sept. 1, 2000–May 31, 2005. He also is professor of operations management.
“Prof. Lovejoy has a strong research record in the areas of product development, inventory and operational control, and managing congestion and complexity,” White noted. “He has a lengthy publication record in the profession’s top journals, is a referee for over 20 scholarly journals and serves in an editorial capacity for two prestigious journals. He has continued an active program of research in addition to his teaching responsibilities and his assumption as the department chair role in operations management.”
Jeffrey K. MacKie-Mason
MacKie-Mason will be the Arthur W. Burks Collegiate Professor of Information and Computer Science, effective Sept. 1, 2000–Aug. 31, 2005. He also is professor of information, of economics and of public policy.
“In addition to his contributions to forming the School of Information, Prof. MacKie-Mason is the founding director of the Program for Research on the Information Economy, a cross-campus research program supporting multi-disciplinary research on social, economic and technical issues concerning new information technologies,” noted John L. King, dean of the School of Information. “He led the development of and currently directs the Information Economics, Management and Policy Program at the School of Information, which offers one of the first master’s degrees of its kind in the country. Prof. MacKie-Mason is the author of one book, more than 50 articles and book chapters, and is the editor of one book. He has contributed well-known pieces on taxation and corporate finance as well as his path-breaking work on the economics of information and information technologies.”
Howard Markel
Markel will be the George E. Wantz, M.D., Professor in the History of Medicine, effective Oct. 1, 2000–Sept. 30, 2005. He also is associate professor of history and of pediatrics and communicable diseases.
“Dr. Markel’s background as a medical historian brings a unique perspective to the University of Michigan and to the arena of academic medicine,” said Allen S. Lichter, dean of the Medical School. “His research and writings on historical trends in public health policies dealing with epidemics and quarantine have been cited by authorities in the field as significant, scholarly and thought-provoking. Dr. Markel frequently is invited to present his work at national and international venues.”
Ann Leslie Milroy
Milroy will be the Hans Kurath Collegiate Professor of Linguistics, effective Sept. 1, 2000–Aug. 31, 2005. She also is professor of linguistics.
“An exceptional researcher with an international reputation, Prof. Milroy has greatly enhanced the academic atmosphere in the Program in Linguistics in every way,” Neuman said. “She is a fine teacher, an engaged colleague, and a caring mentor to both graduate students and junior faculty—a truly outstanding role model for faculty and students alike. Prof. Milroy’s area of expertise is sociolinguistics with a specialization in sound patterns in languages, how they are influenced by variables such as social class and gender, and how they change over time as a consequence of social change. She has worked primarily in English, but her interests go beyond to a concern with bilingualism, particularly the influence on the native language of speakers learning English as a second language.”
Richard G. Sloan
Sloan was named the Victor L. Bernard-PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP Collegiate Professor of Accounting, effective Sept. 1, 2000–May 31, 2005. He also is professor of accounting.
“Dr. Sloan is an excellent researcher and teacher,” White said. “Working in the areas of accounting information in equity valuation, with an emphasis on determinants of stock price response and the ability of managers to manipulate stock prices through selective disclosure of expenses and losses in earnings announcements, he publishes frequently in his profession’s top tier journals. Prof. Sloan also is an excellent teacher in both undergraduate and graduate degree programs, and in our Executive Education programs. Prof. Sloan is widely acknowledged as one of the top, if not the top, researcher in his field.”
Promotions, status changes
Richard L. Allen, associate professor of communication studies, with tenure, will be professor of communication studies, with tenure, effective Sept. 1.
Jeffrey K. Liker, associate professor of industrial and operations engineering, with tenure, will be professor of industrial and operations engineering, with tenure, effective Sept. 1.
Julia E. Richards will be associate professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences, with tenure, at the Medical School, effective July 14. She also is associate professor of epidemiology, without tenure, at the School of Public Health.
Tenure appointments
Kim S. Cameron, dean at Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management, will be professor of organizational behavior and human resource management at the U-M, effective Sept. 1.
Joanne F. Carlisle, of Northwestern University, will be professor of education and research scientist at the Institute for Human Adjustment, effective Sept. 1.
George Hoffmann, of Boston University, will be associate professor of French, effective Sept. 1.
Augustin Ferdinand Charles Holl, of the University of California, San Diego, will be professor of anthropology and of Afroamerican and African studies, effective Sept. 1.
Patricia M. King, of Bowling Green State University, will be professor of education, effective Sept. 1.
Marilyn S. Lantz, of the Indiana University School of Dentistry, will be professor of dentistry and associate dean for academic affairs at the School of Dentistry, effective July 1.
Deidre Shauna Lynch, of the State University of New York at Buffalo, will be associate professor of English, effective Sept. 1.
Reginald McKnight, of the University of Maryland in College Park, will be professor of English, effective Sept. 1.
Jeffrey E. Mirel, of Emory University, will be professor of education, effective Sept. 1.
Susan B. Neuman, of Temple University, will be professor of education, effective July 1.
Martha E. Pollack, of the University of Pittsburgh, will be professor of electrical engineering and computer science, effective Sept. 1.
Christopher S. Ruf, of Pennsylvania State University, will be associate professor of atmospheric, oceanic and space sciences, effective Sept. 1.
Timothy Schallert, of the University of Texas at Austin, will be professor of psychology, effective Sept. 1.
Lawrence M. Seiford, program director for operations research and production systems at the National Science Foundation, will be professor of industrial and operations engineering and chair of the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, effective Sept. 1.
Kannan Soundararajan, holder of a fellowship from the American Institute of Mathematics that he has spent at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, will be associate professor of mathematics, effective Sept. 1.
Jason Stanley, of Cornell University, will be associate professor of philosophy, effective Sept. 1.
C. Addison Stone, of Northwestern University, will be professor of education, effective Sept. 1.
Jean Wineman, of the Georgia Institute of Technology, will be professor of architecture and associate dean for research at the A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, effective Sept. 1.
Robin Barlow, professor of epidemiology
“Within the Department of Epidemiology, Prof. Barlow played a key role in the international health program,” the Regents said. “He not only assisted numerous public health students in identifying and financing overseas internships, but he was also instrumental in soliciting donations from international health graduates for the benefit of the Jan de Vres Memorial Fund. Prof. Barlow,” they added, “holds a strong, positive reputation in Europe, North America and the Middle East on issues of public health and development. He published widely on the relationship between these two disciplines and consulted frequently with the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the United States Agency for International Development and other international agencies.” Barlow joined the U-M in 1961.
Maria Comninou, professor of mechanical engineering and applied mechanics
Comninou joined the U-M in 1974. “Prof. Comninou’s groundbreaking work on interface cracks, for which she was honored in 1978 with both the Henry Hess Award and Alfred Noble prize, inspired a generation of investigators in the area now known as micromechanics,” the Regents said. “Her later work, focusing on wave propagation, elastic contact, fracture, and friction problems and thermoelasticity, earned her the Northwestern University Alumnae Award, the presidency of the Society of Engineering Science, the status of fellow in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and of fellow in the American Academy of Mechanics. Prof. Comninou blended her education in law and engineering to serve as a patent advisor for the Engineering Research Center for Reconfigurable Machining Systems and to develop new graduate courses in patent law and product liability.”
Hani I. Fakhouri, professor of anthropology, U-M-Flint
“Upon his arrival at the University of Michigan-Flint in 1972, Prof. Fakhouri assumed responsibility for developing the anthropology major,” the Regents noted. “Later he also developed and coordinated the gerontology minor studies at U-M-Flint. He also initiated the highly successful student international studies program in Egypt, Jordan and Canada, for which students receive academic credit. Prof. Fakhouri’s research and writing focused on the impact of urbanization and industrialization on traditional peasant culture and the new urban trend in Egypt, Islamic political movements in Jordan, and cross-cultural aging among the Arab-American elderly population and their adaptation to retirement.”
Diane M. Kirkpatrick, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor and professor of history of art
“A specialist in contemporary art, including photography, cinema and technological media, Prof. Kirkpatrick has published widely, has two books in progress, and has presented numerous conference papers, all while undertaking educational television productions, guest curatorships and a wide range of media projects,” the Regents noted. “She was a pioneer in recognizing the potential of computer technologies for research, teaching and exhibiting. An artist herself, she established a special rapport with students from the School of Art and Design. As a participant in the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, Prof. Kirkpatrick developed electronic exhibitions and multi-media/computer-assisted programs.” She joined the U-M in 1968.
Andrew Koran III, professor of dentistry
Koran, who joined the U-M in 1968, “has distinguished himself nationally and internationally as a dental scholar, researcher and teacher,” the Regents said. “He has published over 50 journal articles and eight chapters in textbooks. His main research interests have been in the area of biomaterials, including maxillofacial materials and soft denture liners. Within the School of Dentistry, he has provided didactic and clinical instruction at the predoctoral, graduate and postgraduate levels, and served as a member or chair of several master’s thesis committees. Dr. Koran served as director of clinics in 1984–86, assistant dean for clinical affairs in 1986–87 and interim chair of the Department of Prosthodontics in 1996–97.”
Yost Ice Arena seating project
The Regents approved a project to add seats to Yost Ice Arena.
“When the arena was renovated in 1996–97 to bring it into compliance with electrical, mechanical, elevator, fire safety and Americans with Disabilities Act codes, it lost approximately 700 seats,” explained Robert Kasdin, executive vice president and chief financial officer. “With the success of the hockey program, including two national championships in the last four years, the demand for tickets remains very high.”
According to Interim Athletic Director Bill Martin, Rossetti and Associates Inc., the architect that designed the previous renovation, has been retained “to investigate the possibility of creating additional seating on the east side of the existing arena. Approximately 400 premium seats could be added to the upper area on the east side of the arena, similar to the press box mezzanine in the west side. We propose to use these seats to specifically accommodate benefactors and friends of the Michigan Hockey Program. We would expect to free up general seating by an equivalent amount, assuming that patrons who would be interested in the proposed seats already hold season tickets in the arena.”
The project also includes additional bathroom facilities and a hospitality space for pre-game and between-period activities.
Design work for the project will be completed this fall, with construction to take place during the next off-season. The additional seating would be completed by the start of the hockey season in fall 2001.
The preliminary cost projection for the project is $1.4 million, to be realized through revenues generated by the additional seats. Eventually, the Athletic Department plans to use ticket revenue from these seats to support the Michigan Athletic Department Scholarship Fund. The Athletic Department will initially fund the project from department sources.