About the University Record

The University Record

The University Record is the official source for faculty-staff news at the University of Michigan. The University Record, in print and online, is part of the U-M Office of the Vice President for Communications.

News is posted to the website daily and a print edition is distributed weekly (Monday) during the academic year and biweekly during the summer. There is a companion University Record email newsletter that is distributed daily during the academic year and weekly during the summer.

The University Record considers requests for articles of interest to U-M faculty, staff and retirees from units across the Ann Arbor campus, the Health System and from the Flint and Dearborn regional campuses.

The University Record is distributed free from newsstands on all campuses. It is mailed to university retirees. Mail subscriptions also are available at a nominal cost.

Print edition deadlines

Advertising:  5 p.m. Monday, one week before publication. Advertising details are available at record.umich.edu/advertise.
Stories and events: Noon Tuesday before publication.

How to submit event listings

The University Record draws events listings for its online and print editions from U-M’s main campus events calendar, Happening@Michigan.

Happening@Michigan is managed by the Campus Information Centers, a unit of Student Life. Events are entered by clicking the Create Event button at the top of the website. For help submitting events, please email [email protected] or call 734-764-4636.

Items of interest to faculty and staff that are entered in Happening@Michigan by the Tuesday before an edition’s publication date are collected and printed in each week’s printed edition.

Selected items also may be considered as Coming Events on the Record website and in its daily email edition. Coming Events items run in the Record email the day before the event takes place. In order to be considered, events must be public and free of charge, entered in Happening@Michigan, and include a related photo or graphic element.

Faculty and staff Spotlights

Do you know of a faculty member in your department or elsewhere that goes above and beyond to produce scholarship, serve students and impact communities? Perhaps you know of a staff member who does something unusual or interesting outside the workplace.

The University Record is always looking for nominations for our faculty and staff Spotlights, which honor the work of faculty and staff across the university and share the often little-known stories that make our co-workers so interesting.

To nominate a candidate, email the Record at [email protected]. In submissions, please include the position and job responsibilities of nominees, what makes them stand out, and a uniqname or suggested contact information.


The Record accepts submitted obituaries for active or retired faculty or staff members that are provided by the decedent’s family, university department or funeral homes within three months of the faculty or staff member’s death.

Obituaries should not exceed 600 words and can include a high-resolution image that will be cropped to a head shot. The submission deadline is noon of the Tuesday preceding publication of the Record’s next print edition. Obituaries should be submitted in Word or a plain-text format to [email protected].

Obituaries are published in our print edition and are included on the Record website. Links to obituaries or memorial articles for active faculty or staff only, and which are published on another university unit’s website, may be included in the Record email when we are made aware of them.

Letters to the Editor

The University Record welcomes letters from members of the U-M faculty, staff and retiree community. Those on topics of broad university interest will be given preference for publication. Letters must be no more than 450 words and must be signed.

The editorial staff reserves the right to reject any letter and to edit and/or condense letters for publication. The staff also reserves the right to limit the number of letters submitted by the same individual. Letters may appear in small type. Organizations submitting material must include the name and address of an appropriate officer.

Guidelines for online comments

The University Record welcomes online comments to stories that are posted on its website. Comments are intended to be a forum for open, respectful and family-friendly discussion. Read the full statement of guidelines.

The Record’s website often links to information that resides on other websites throughout the university. Occasionally changes to those sites’ design or organization leads to broken links over time. The Record does not control those other websites and, in such cases, is unable to maintain updated links. We apologize for any inconvenience.

We also occasionally receive reports about non-working links in our daily email. In most cases, those problems tend to be caused by isolated issues that are local to the user experiencing the problem — often either a person’s browser, internet connection or some other factor that is out of the Record’s control.

In those cases, we suggest people first clear their browser cache, and quit and restart their browser and/or computer. If the problem persists it may be necessary to contact the user’s IT adviser for further assistance.

Learn how to clear the cache in various web browsers.

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