The University Record, February 25, 1997
The new Record: A preview
With the next scheduled issue, March 11, following spring break, The University Record will change the face it presents to its readers.
Our new look is the result of a redesign by School of Art and Design alumnae Vanina Carter and Julia Freitag, students of Dennis Miller, assistant professor of art. Carter and Freitag worked on the Record’s new format as their final project as undergraduates.
What won’t change is our commitment to providing information about faculty and staff research and accomplishments, benefits changes, news about decisions made by the Regents and administration, available jobs, and policy changes.
The mission of The University Record remains to provide information to U-M faculty and staff about the University’s activities, policies and practices, and to provide an available source for members of the University community to find out more about what is happening in other areas of the U-M.
As part of its new image and in response to reader requests, The University Record is looking for ideas for photos and stories about University faculty, staff and students. Do you know someone who has an unusual job? Tucked away in some corner of this vast University, is there someone who does something no one else does or something nobody knows about? Send your ideas by e-mail to [email protected] and the staff will follow up on your tips.