The University Record, February 11, 1997
Redesigned Record will debut in four weeks
By Rebecca A. Doyle
In just four weeks, The University Record will present a new format designed, in part, by you—our readers. In response to many of the things discussed in focus groups held a year ago, you will see a new eye-catching logo, larger and more photos, greater use of graphics and more white space. We are working to make our writing more concise and articles shorter.
Students from the School of Art and Design worked with our staff using your suggestions for an index, sections devoted to different areas in the University, less crowding and a bolder overall look. Dennis Miller, assistant professor of art, advised Vanina Carter and Julia Freitag, who graduated from the School in December, as they put their knowledge and skill to the test to make the new Record a reality in just a few months.
What will change—Job Postings, letters to the editor, Kudos and the Studies Seek Subjects listing will all move to a new permanent location, which will be listed on the front page each week. News Briefs—the short items that now run across the top of the pages—will be run in columns on the outside edges of some pages.
The Calendar, which has already undergone changes in format and classification, will be easier to read.
What will not change—The mission of The University Record is to provide information to U-M faculty and staff about the University’s activities, policies and practices and to provide a way for everyone at the University to know a little bit more about other units and how they may function together. The Record is the official publication of the U-M and covers meetings held by the Regents and faculty governance, and publishes changes in benefits and University policies. It is our goal to make this information available and understandable.
How you can help—Do you know an office worker who raises seeing-eye dogs? A professor who teaches rock climbing? You told us you want more stories about people and what they do either at their jobs or outside the work world. Tell us who they are and how to find them, and we’ll follow up on as many as we can.
You also told us you wanted photos, bigger and better. Send your ideas to us by e-mail, [email protected], or by fax, 764-7084.
The Record is online—The Record has been on theWorldWide Web since spring. Check us out at and let us know what you think.