The University Record, January 28, 1997
In Brief…
Neal will be honored
at public ceremony Jan. 28
The public is invited to a ceremony unveiling a plaque on the Presidents’ Wall at the Michigan Union to commemorate the contribution of interim President Homer A. Neal to the University’s leadership. The 4:30 p.m. unveiling ceremony today (Jan. 28) will be followed by a reception in the University Club, Michigan Union. The University and Ann Arbor communities are welcome to come and visit with Neal and express their appreciation for his service as interim president.
Israeli vice consul will speak on Ethiopian Jewry
Belainesh Zevadia, Israel’s Ethiopian vice consul, will present her experiences as an Ethiopian and an Israeli in “Ethiopia, Her Jews, and You” at 8 p.m. Feb. 4 at the Hillel Foundation. Zevadia will provide insight and information on current issues regarding Ethiopian Jews, their resettlement in Israel and their integration into Israeli society. Caroline Sheffy, director of communication for the North American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry, will speak about her organization’s work assisting and educating recent Ethiopian immigrants and what the American Jewish community can do to help. The free, public lecture is sponsored by the American Movement for Israel. Call 769-0500 for information.
For the record . . .
An article in the Jan. 21 edition of the Record incorrectly listed Jan. 2, 1998, as a University holiday. New Year’s Day, Jan. 1, is the officially observed holiday.
Graduate School seeks executive board members
Nancy Cantor, dean of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, is soliciting nominations for graduate faculty to serve as members of the Executive Board of the Graduate School. Send nominations to: Homer Rose, Room 1020A Rackham Bldg., 1070, by 5 p.m. Feb. 21.
Alexander to discuss future
of contraception
Nancy Alexander, chief of the Contraceptive Development Branch at the Center for Population Research, will discuss ” The Future of Contraception” 3-4:30 p.m. Feb. 5 in Room 3001, School of Public Health Bldg. I. She has been head of the branch, which is part of the National Institute of Child Development and Human Development, since 1990. A reception will follow her talk, which is sponsored by the Michigan Initiative for Women’s Health.
U-Club will host Gospel Night
The Gospel Chorale presents the 3rd annual Gospel Night at the U-Club at 8 p.m. Sat. (Feb. 1). The concert will include performances by the full chorale, duets and soloists singing old hymns to contemporary gospel. The student-run Gospel Chorale was established in 1988 and now has a membership of approximately 90 singers. Tickets, available at the door only, are $4. The U-Club is located on the first floor of the Michigan Union. For information, call 763-3281.
Grad students: Check deductions
The Benefits Office advises graduate student instructors and research assistants to check the benefits deductions—their own and U-M contributions, particularly for health insurance—in their pay checks. Recent changes in funding for some students may affect some graduate students’ pay checks. For information, call the Benefits Office Faculty and Students Team at 764-1214.
Graduate students also should be sure to provide address changes to Human Resources Records and Information Services (HRRIS) at 764-9250. Important information about summer benefits will be mailed later in the term to addresses of record maintained by HRRIS.
Prisoner’s art will be displayed
The 2nd annual Art Exhibit of Michigan Prisoners will be held Feb. 12-24 in the Rackham Galleries. The exhibit, open during regular gallery hours, will include more than 100 works of art from 60 prisoners in 24 facilities. The opening reception will be held 4-6 p.m. Feb. 11 at the Galleries, 3rd floor, Rackham Bldg., with guest speaker Herschell Turner, art instructor at Ionia Maximum Correctional Facility. Refreshments will be served. The event is sponsored by the Washtenaw Council for the Arts, Rackham School of Graduate Studies, School of Art and Design and the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts.
Program focuses on young women’s health issues
The Women’s Health Program of the Medical Center is sponsoring “Get Real: Straight Talk About Women’s Health” at various campus locations this week. The program will be offered at 7:30 p.m. today (Jan. 28) at the North Campus Commons and at 7:30 p.m. Wed. (Jan. 29) at Stockwell Residence Hall Lounge. Designed to educate college women about important health issues and provide a forum where they can openly discuss their health concerns, the program features a keynote address by a leading women’s health faculty member, a video presentation, discussion and networking with representatives from local agencies and student organizations that serve women in the community. The program was first presented Jan. 27 at Michigan League.
Get advice on parenting
`turbo-charged’ kids
The University Center for the Child and Family will hold an eight-week workshop for parents of children ages 2-6 who are intense, energetic and sensitive. “Adventures in Parenting: Life With Your Turbo-Charged Child” will meet 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Feb. 4-March 25. The fee is $140 per family. Call 764-9466 for more information or to register.
CSCAR’s statistics review
workshop set for Feb. 11
“Statistics: A Review,” a workshop for researchers, will be held 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Feb. 11 in Rackham Amphitheatre. The workshop, presented by the Center for Statistical Consultation and Research (CSCAR), will be led by Edward Rothman, professor of statistics and director of CSCAR, and Brenda Gillespie, assistant professor of biostatistics and associate director of CSCAR. The session, $100 for U-M affiliates and $250 for non-affiliates, is recommended for any scholar seeking a refresher in basic statistics. Register before Feb. 5 by calling 763-0341.
Learn about classroom
Get some hands-on experience with classroom assessment by attending “Finding Out How Well Students Are Learning What We Are Teaching” 1:30-4:30 p.m. Fri. (Jan. 31) in Room 6050, Institute for Social Research. Sponsored by the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, the workshop will help participants find out what assessment is, how it works and how it might help students become more independent, effective learners. They also will get hands-on experience with four easily adaptable classroom assessment techniques and find out about the pros and cons of these approaches from experienced faculty.
The instructor will be Thomas Anthony Angelo, co-author of Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers and editor of Classroom Research: Early Lessons from Success, as well as more than a dozen articles on assessment, faculty development and learning improvement.
Space is limited. Call 763-0505 for information.
At U-Club it’s macarena, no;
salsa, si
Haul out your dancing shoes and work off a few of those excess holiday calories at the U-Club’s Latin Dance Workshop at 8 p.m. Fri. (Jan. 31), 1st floor of the Michigan Union. Mercedes Rubio and Wilson Valentino will teach the basic steps of several Latin dances, including the salsa, cumbia and the merengue. No partner is necessary for the free workshop. For information, call 763-3281.
Illustrated lecture focuses on young widows
“Widows Too Young in Their Widowhood” is the topic of an illustrated lecture to be presented by Ann Ellis Hanson of the Department of Classical Studies, 4-5 p.m. Fri. (Jan. 31) in Room 180, Tappan Hall. This is the second in a series of lectures on women and gender in antiquity sponsored by the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology and the Institute for Research on Women and Gender.
Workshop on accessing
The Health Sciences Libraries will offer a workshop for students, faculty and staff on accessing UM-MEDLINE 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Feb. 6 in LRC 3950, Taubman Medical Library. UM-MEDLINE is the gateway to accessing MEDLINE, HealthStar, AIDSLINE, CINAHL and CANCERLIT databases. To register or for information, call 763-2037 or send e-mail to [email protected].
UHS makes changes in HIV testing
The HIV counseling and testing service at University Health Service has announced changes in its operations. Clients may now choose from three ways to test: 1) Walk in, 2-4 p.m., Mon.-Fri. This option is recommended if the client has been tested before or has few questions; 2) Make an appointment. This options is recommended if client feels his/her reason for testing is complex or has numerous concerns and questions; 3) Purchase a home test kit from the University Pharmacy for about $40. The test is performed in the privacy of the client’s home, and results, available by phone in all cases, are ready in about one week.
Clients choosing the first two options may also elect to receive results by phone. Testing is free to currently enrolled students and Prepaid Plan members, $20 to others (reduced from $35 previously). Call the HIV Testing Information Line at 763-6969 for more detailed information or to schedule an appointment.
Multicultural career
conference is today
Career Planning and Placement holds its 23rd annual Multicultural Career Conference today (Jan. 28) noon-4 p.m. in the Kuenzel Room, Michigan Union. More than 80 business, social service, education and government organizations will meet with students to provide career information and arrange interviews for internships, summer and permanent positions. Many employers will follow up the conference with interviews 4-9 p.m. On site registration is available.
Learn to write a business plan
at U-M-Flint
U-M-Flint’s Office of University Outreach will host a business plan writing workshop for beginning entrepreneurs 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Sat. (Feb. 1) in the Michigan Rooms, Harding Mott University Center. The speaker for the workshop is Jean Conyers, president and CEO of the Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce. Breakfast and materials are included in the $15 fee. For more information, contact Tammy Christensen at the Office of University Outreach, (810) 767-7181.
RA needed for study-abroad
program in Florence, Italy
The U-M—University of Wisconsin Study Abroad Program is seeking a graduate student who is reasonably fluent in Italian to be a resident assistant (RA) for the 1997-98 academic year in Florence, Italy. The RA will assist faculty in the humanities-oriented program and enforce house rules at the Villa Corsi-Salviati.
The RA will receive round-trip airfare; $200 allowance for shipping personal items; $1,500 stipend per term, paid biweekly; private room and meals at the villa; and coverage of expenses for all program excursions.
Those interested should send a cover letter, CV and transcript—by March 7—to Carol Dickerman, Office of International Programs, G513 Michigan Union, Box 553. Interviews will be scheduled by mid-March. Questions? Call Kathy Davis, 764-9485.
Course will focus
on native wildflowers
Fred Case, botanist and wildflower authority, will discuss outstanding native eastern American plants, their habitats, cultivation, propagation and use in home landscaping, 1:30-3:30 p.m. three Sundays, Feb. 9, 16 and 23 at Matthaei Botanical Gardens. Emphasis in the $45 class will be on plants for horticultural use. Conservation problems and legal and proper plant acquisition will be covered. Call 998-7061 for more information.
Learn to grow and dry
everlasting plants
Janna Field, advanced master gardener, will teach a one-day class on everlasting plants 2-4 p.m. Feb. 9 at Matthaei Botanical Gardens. These plants are pleasing and beautiful while growing, as well as attractive when hung and dried or made into wreaths and swags. Participants in the $25 class will learn how to select plant material, where to obtain seeds, how to choose and prepare a productive site, and the details of drying the plants. Materials will be furnished to make and take home an everlasting decoration. Call 998-7061 for information.