The University Record, January 21, 1997
Ray Charles will perform with Ann Arbor Symphony at Hill Auditorium Feb. 15
The Ann Arbor Summer Festival welcomes legendary performer Ray Charles back to Michigan for a one-night celebration of his music at 8 p.m. Feb. 15 in Hill Auditorium. Charles will appear with the Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra. A pre-party reception and dessert afterglow will be hosted by the Ann Arbor Summer Festival’s Friends Council, with proceeds benefiting the Ann Arbor Summer Festival. Tickets to the concert, the benefit and the dessert afterglow are $140, available through the Festival office. Call 647-2278 for reservations or more information. Concert-only tickets, ranging in price from $15-$65, are available at Burton Memorial Tower. For more information or phone orders, call 764-2538.