The University Record, October 8, 1996
Library has M-Quality resources available for new, veteran staff
By Susan Gilbert Beck
University Library Administration
M-Quality is the University’s approach to Total Quality Management. Faculty, staff and students new to the University, as well as veterans, might wish to learn more about the theory and practice that make U-M run.
To support M-Quality education and communication, the University Library and the Kresge Business Administration Library maintain two World Wide Web files. One file is part of the M-Quality file at GOpherBlue, and the Video Library may be found under Total Quality Management Video Library Resources.
New to the GOpherBlue file is “Facilitators’ Favorites.” The University’s M-Quality facilitators share the titles of the readings and videos that they have enjoyed and found particularly useful.
Bernadette Malinowski, formerly with Human Resource Development and now consulting associate for Workplace Partners L.L.C., cites Mary Parker Follett’s Prophet of Management: A Celebration of Writings from the 1920s, located both at the Kresge Library and the University Library.
Larry Given from Plant Extension suggests the videos The Power of Vision by Joel Barker and But I Don’t Have Customers. Both are in the University Library’s Film and Video Library.
Sally York from Building Services says she recently read a book that really put leadership and self-direction in focus for her: Flight of the Buffalo by James A. Belasco and Ralph C. Stayer, co-authored by Tom Peters. “This is good reading,” York says. Stayer is the former CEO of Johnsonville Foods, and he tells how [the TQM turn-around] is today making the company a leader in production, quality and innovation for the prepared food industry. The book may be found in the Shapiro Library and the Kresge Library. It also is available on video in the Film and Video Library at the Shapiro Library.
Other lists on GOpherBlue are:
Team Leaders and Facilitators
Introductory Readings
Each of these is designed for the group in the title but may be interesting for anyone to browse.
Video and reading lists are updated regularly. Locations are given for all items. It is helpful to check each library’s Home Page for hours and borrowing rules. In addition to the resource lists on GOpherBlue, browsers will find the U-M Team information valuable.
Locating M-Quality Resources
Another way to find the M-Quality Library resource files is to click on “GOpherBlue” on the University’s Computing Sites Home Page:; then, click on “University of Michigan and Ann Arbor”; next, click on “M-Quality.” Under “M-Quality,” one finds “Library Resources.”Or, click here.
An alternative is to select “The University of Michigan University Library” from the Computing Sites Home Page; then click on “University of Michigan Library: Collections”; next, click on “University of Michigan List of Libraries.” From the “List,” you may choose to look at the “Film and Video Library.” After clicking on the latter title, one would choose “Collection,” then, “Filmographies,” and then click on “Total Quality Management.” This clicking information will be useful to those using limited access through Lynx.
To check the University Library or the Kresge Business Administration Library collections in their entirety, enter the URLs shown and go directly from the Home Page on which one enters the WEB. See the accompanying list for other URL direct access.
Links that will take you directly to:
University Library
Kresge Business Administration Library
University of Michigan Library Collections
M-Quality Library Resource Lists (on GOpherBlue)
University of Michigan List of Libraries
Film and Video Library
Total Quality Management (Film and Video Library) For those who cannot easily access the electronic files, information is available at the reserve desks of both the Shapiro Library (764-9464) and the Graduate Library (764-9373). |