The University Record, July 23, 1996
Meridian Voice Mail to be shut down July 27 for upgrade
On Saturday, July 27, the Information Technology Division (ITD) will upgrade the University’s Meridian Voice Mail system software. As a result, people will not be able to leave voice mail messages or listen to the messages on their voice mail boxes during the maintenance period (6 a.m.-6 p.m.) on the 27th. If they call voice mail during that time, they will receive a message stating the system is unavailable due to the upgrade.
Although individual users will not see any technical changes to their voice mail, this system upgrade will significantly increase the number of voice mail boxes that can be added campuswide and increase the system’s storage capacity.
“Based on the voice mail studies that have been done at U-M,” says Frank Carlesimo, telecommunications supervisor for ITD, “we’re very confident that this upgrade will give us plenty of storage capacity and access ports to handle the increased demand for Meridian Voice Mail on campus for the near future.”
Any U-M offices that might be adversely affected by the unavailability of Meridian Voice Mail during this maintenance period on July 27 should call ITD immediately. University offices should call 763-2000. Offices at the Medical Campus and the Hospitals should call 936-5179.