The University Record, July 9, 1996
Reade awarded honorary degree at
Babes-Bolyai University
Maxwell O. Reade, emeritus professor of mathematics, was awarded the title of doctor honoris causa from Babes-Bolyai University in Romania. The award recognizes his outstanding contribution to research in analytic functions of one complex variable and geometric function theory.
Nowak named honorary professor
of the Politichnika Warszawska
Andrezej S. Nowak, professor of civil engineering, was named honorary professor of the Politechnika Warszawska (Warsaw University of Technology) at a ceremony in Warsaw, Poland last month. Nowak received his M.S. (1970) and Ph.D. (1975) from the Politechnika Warszawska, and has been at the U-M since 1979.
Pearlman receives award
for research excellence
Mark Pearlman, professor of obstetrics and gynecology, was awarded the Society of Perinatal Obstetricians Award of Research Excellence for his contribution to the first auto crash simulation that used a pregnant dummy. Pearlman conducted the test in collaboration with General Motors Corp.