Hot off the Press

The University Record, June 11, 1996


Without Blare of Trumpets: Walter Drew, the National Erectors’ Association, and the Open Shop Movement, 1903ā€“1957, by Sidney Fine, professor emeritus of history.

Without Blare of Trumpets provides a fresh look at the 20th-century open shop movement by revealing the central role played in that movement by the National Erectors’ Association and by its commissioner, Walter Drew. Fine presents an absorbing account of the union-organized dynamiting campaign and illuminates the critical behind-the-scenes part played by Drew in one of the greatest labor trials in all of American history.

Adding to our understanding of the building and construction industry, employer resistance to unionism, the role of government in industrial relations, and the impact of the New Deal on labor-management relations, this important book makes a major contribution to the fields of labor history, business history and industrial relations.

Bridges to Cuba/Puentes a Cuba, edited by Ruth Behar, professor of anthropology.

Through personal essays and poetry, short fiction and painting, book reviews, interviews, performance pieces, and hybrid creations of text and image, Bridges to Cuba opens a window onto the meaning of nationality, transnationalism and homeland in our time. For more than 35 years, U.S.-Cuban relations have been couched in terms of the Cold War, often pitting Cubans in the diaspora against Cubans who remain in their homeland. This book celebrates the informal networks that Cubans in both countries have maintained through artistic, academic, family and other ties.

“In order for memory to be recovered, there must be a community that remembers and tells the story … Bridges to Cuba displays a wealth of insights that leave the reader with a sense of having experienced first hand the intricate web of thought and feeling that is Cuban life.” The Latino Review of Books.

Narratives of Justice: Legislators’ Beliefs about Distributive Fairness, by Grant Reeher, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Scholar in Health Policy Research.

Narratives of Justice offers a provocative, contemporary look at the timeless questions of justice and fairness. Based on a set of extended, in-depth interviews with members of the Connecticut State Senate as well as a year of close observation of the Senate in action, the book calls into question many notions of American political ideology and, in particular, the idea of an ‘American exceptionalism’ regarding views from the political left, and the dominance in the United States of a ‘liberal tradition.’ Its wide research and thorough documentation make it a useful guide to the literature within and beyond political science concerning beliefs, ideologies, legislative behavior and qualitative research methods.


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