The University Record, May 7, 1996
CASE journalists will learn about issues of elderly
May 7–9
Ten national journalists who cover the subject of aging in all its variations, from health and retirement to long-term marriage and mid-life craziness, are on campus this week. During their three-day stay, today through Thursday (May 9), the writers from newspapers and magazines across the country will meet with U-M faculty and researchers to hear the latest findings on issues that affect older Americans.
“The Dynamics of Later Life,” part of the 1995–96 National Media Fellowship Program sponsored by the Washing ton, D.C.-based Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), gives journalists a chance to discuss the latest findings with faculty researchers from the Institute for Social Research (ISR), Institute of Gerontology (IoG), Population Studies Center, Medical School and School of Public Health.
Topics include health issues for older Americans, welfare, geographic population shifts, memory, nursing homes, disease in the elderly and long-term marriages.
Universities propose specific fellowships in their areas of expertise and CASE media fellowship programs are chosen from among them by a national panel of editors and reporters. Last year, the
U-M hosted a group of reporters for a program on global environmental change.
The journalists are Mike Vitez, Philadelphia Inquirer ; Joe Volz, Maturity News Service; Kate Bird, ElderLaw Forum; Karen Peterson, USA Today ; Warren Wolfe, Minneapolis Star-Tribune; Nissa Simon, New Choices Magazine; Robert Rosenblatt, Los Angeles Times ; Jane Haas, Orange County Register; John Cutter, St. Petersburg Times; and Shannon Dortch, American Demographics Magazine .
Participating researchers are F. Thomas Juster, professor of economics and research scientist, ISR; Robert J. Willis, professor of economics and research scientist, ISR; Albert Hermalin, professor of sociology and research scientist, Population Studies Center;
Ronald C. Kessler, professor of sociology and research scientist, ISR; Toni C. Antonucci, professor of psychology and director of the ISR life course development program; William H. Frey, demographer and research scientist, Population Studies Center; Denise Park, professor of psychology and research scientist, IoG;
Roger W. Morrell, assistant research scientist, IoG; Frederick L. Bookstein, research scientist, IoG; Ari Gafni, professor of biological chemistry, Medical School, and research scientist, IoG; John A. Faulkner, professor of physiology, Medical School, and director of the IoG Nathan Shock Center of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging;
James S. Jackson, the Daniel Katz Distinguished University Professor of Psychology and professor of health behavior and education, School of Public Health; and Ruth Campbell, associate director for social work and community pro grams, Turner Geriatrics Center and faculty associate, IoG.