The University Record, April 30, 1996
Thompson Street parking structure will close May 6
By Rebecca A. Doyle
Beginning next week, the Thompson Street parking structure will close for the summer so that renovations to the up per levels can be made.
“The concrete and rods have deteriorated over the past 20 years because of salt and water damage,” says Diane DelaTorre, administrative associate at University Parking Services. “This renovation is necessary to ensure the integrity of the structure for up to another 20 years.”
Water and salt have deteriorated the top three or four inches of the concrete and penetrated steel rods that reinforce the structure. The rods will be replaced with epoxy-coated reinforcing rod and the concrete with microsilica concrete, which is less susceptible to damage caused by salt and other de-icing materials.
Levels five, six and seven are scheduled to be completed by September. The lower floors were renovated last summer, leaving the structure out of commission for the season, and the cur rent renovation will complete the project.
Some changes have been made after last summer’s project, DelaTorre notes. The noise from construction will not be as noticeable to area residents because the equipment used to remove the old surfacing will be placed on top of the structure instead of behind it.
University faculty and staff who usually park in the Thompson Street structure should plan to use an alternate lot, listed be low, or to park in one of the off-site commuter lots at Crisler Arena or on State St. across from the Honda car dealership. Ex changing a staff paid permit for a commuter permit would save about $125 over the summer, DelaTorre says.
During the time the parking structure was closed last year, Parking Services counted available spaces in nearby lots and structures. Approximately 180 spaces were available in the Fletcher and Church street structures and Perry School parking lot. Another 140 will be converted to staff paid parking spaces during the construction period in lots N25, be hind the Fletcher structure, and W18, the Thompson Street surface lot.
Reduced rate or commuter lots are available at Hill and Division streets (Lot SC9), Kipke Dr. near Crisler Arena (reduced rate), Kipke Dr. at Stadium Blvd. (commuter) and State St. (SC34 commuter lot).
For more information, call Parking Services, 764-8291, option 7.