The University Record, April 9, 1996
HIV/AIDS overview will be Health Night Out topic for April 16
“HIV/AIDS: How our community is meeting the challenge” is the Health Night Out Topic 7:30–9:30 p.m. April 16 in the Kellogg Eye Center Auditorium. Powel Kazanjian, director of the U-M HIV/AIDS Program, and K.C. Quirk, coordinator of the HIV/AIDS Resource Center Outreach Program, will discuss how HIV is contracted, who is most at risk for infection, ho w individuals can protect themselves, how HIV progresses to AIDS, what it’s like to live with HIV, where to find support groups and the latest news in HIV/AIDS research and treatment. The program and parking are free. For information, call U-M TeleCare, 763-9000 category 1075.